Porch light

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When I arrived at training that afternoon, I was happier than I had been in days.

Mostly because of my evening and morning spent with Leah, but also because it was finally more than 10°C in north London, with very little wind in the air.

Katie immediately noticed my improved mood as I walked onto the training ground. She raised an eyebrow, a playful smile playing on her lips. "Someone's in a good mood." She said, as I caught a ball and started juggling with it mindlessly, my hands buried deep into my pockets.

I chuckled, the joy bubbling within me impossible to contain. "Yeah, had a great evening yesterday," I replied, and Katie's grin widened.

"Yeah? What you do?" She asked, and I looked at her for a second, before focusing my eyes on the ball again.

"Nothing special," I said, shrugging, the prospect of telling people about my sexuality still scary in my head. Caitlin already knew. That was already one too many. Even though my mother was now aware of my situation, I had spent so much time ignoring and denying my own identity, it felt like stepping into a vulnerable space every time I considered sharing it with someone new.

Even though both Katie and Beth had been on my back about how close I was getting with Leah, for now, it was only jokes to them. Or so I liked to think.

As I continued juggling the ball, Katie's playful demeanor persisted. "Come on, Vale, spill the beans. You can't just say 'nothing special' and expect me to buy it. What happened?"

"I just... watched a movie. A good movie." I said, and thankfully, Katie didn't have time to question me any longer, because the rest of the team arrived on the training ground, accompanied by coach Jonas, and we immediately had to get to work.

I escaped Katie's curiosity by walking towards Emily, asking her if she wanted us to warm up together.

The training session then went on, and it was the best I had done in weeks. I was clinical in my passes, scoring goals on every occasion possible, and even managed a few slide tackles.

Coach Jonas, ever observant, noted the heightened energy. "Looks like someone's found their groove today," he remarked with a nod, a twinkle of approval in his eyes.

I grinned in response, feeling a sense of pride in my performance. I felt relentless. Like I could run a marathon and still play an entire match afterward.

Even when Leah started defending on me, I somehow managed to pass her times and times again, each successful play fueling the friendly banter between us.

During water break, she cast me a knowing smile and a playful wink, which I answered with rosy cheeks and a childish laugh.

Coach Jonas, pleased with the heightened intensity, guided us through drills with a keen eye for detail. The ball seemed like an extension of my being, responding effortlessly to my every touch.

The training session progressed seamlessly, and by the time we wrapped up, the sun had started its descent, casting a warm glow over the field. The exhilaration of the session lingered, leaving me with a sense of accomplishment.

As we gathered in a circle for a brief team talk, Coach Jonas commended the collective effort. "Great energy today, everyone. Let's carry this momentum into the upcoming matches."

With a final rallying cry, the team dispersed, and I felt a mix of exhaustion and fulfillment. Leah approached me with a playful grin, her eyes reflecting the shared satisfaction of a successful training session.

"You were unstoppable today," she commented, and I offered her a quick smirk, gently shoving her shoulder with my own.

"Just had a good day, I guess," I replied, the modesty evident in my tone. "But hey, I appreciate the compliment. Coming from you, it means a lot."

One day I'll have it all. // WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now