snowing #1

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"Mary Margret!" David yelled running after her. "David, we can't keep doing this, your married." Mary Margret sighed.  "Mary Margret, come on." David said. "No, David, I'm sorry." Mary Margret sighed and walked away.

Days later
Mary Margret was walking around the town to see David packing up his truck. "David, where are you going?" Mary Margret asked. "I'm leaving town." David said. "Oh, well, I hope you have an amazing time in the world." Mary Margret said. "Me too, thank you." David said.

One hour later
As Mary Margret walked down the street from the hospital, she was very, very sad. Henry, the sweetest little boy, has passed away. Suddenly a gush of wind made her stay still in shock. She remembered. "Snow!" She heard. She looked to see David standing there. "Charming!" She smiled running to David. They met in a kiss, finally being back together. "You found me." Mary Margret said. "Did you ever doubt I would?" David asked. After they had hugged Ruby, Granny, and the Dawarfs, Mary Margret sighed. "Now I need to find my daughter." "So it's true?" Emma asked. Mary Margret turned around. She hugged Emma and started to cry. "You found us." She whispered. "Let's kill the queen!" They heard. They looked to see the townspeople running to Regina's house. Archie came running to us. "They are going to kill Regina." He said. "Great let's watch." Grumpy said. "No, no matter what Regina has done, we don't kill." Archie said. "You're right, we have to stop them." Emma said. Everyone nodded and started to run to Regina's house to save her.

Thx for reading.

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