Maryswan #1

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This takes place during the curse

The blonde sat in granny's diner thinking about her roommate, Mary Margret Blanchard. No one knew she was bi, let alone has a crush on her so called birth mom, in Henry's case. But Mary Margret was sweet, cute, funny, everything anyone would want.

Emma was so busy writing down why she liked Mary Margret, she didn't even notice Regina Mills sit down

"So you have a crush on Mrs.Blanchard?" Regina asked with a smirk.

"How did you know?" Emma asked confused.

"Miss swan, you're writing her name in large letters with hearts next to it, it wasn't hard to put it together." Regina shrugged

Emma looked down at the paper. "Oh, I thought I was writing about why I like Mary Margret." Emma said.

"Well, I hope you solve that problem, but I have been thinking, maybe I'll let you see Henry more, if you get a job, and I mean a real job. I know what you used to do, and I don't want my son around that. Enjoy your coco." Regina said and left

Emma sighed, packed her things together, paid for her drink, and left

Emma walked into the apartment and put her keys down.

"Hey!" Mary Margret said with a smile.

Emma was looking at her still thinking about her when she snapped back to reality. "Yeah, hi." She said.

"Emma, I like you too." She said suddenly.

"W-what?" Emma asked shocked

"Emma, I know you like me and I like you to." She said sipping her tea

"You knew?" Emma asked.

"Yes, I knew, and that is why I was gonna ask you to be my girlfriend?" She asked blushing.

"Yes, yes, yes, I will be your girlfriend!" Emma said.

"Yay!" Mary Margret said

Thx for reading

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