captainswan #1

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"Killian stop, please." The blonde begged as Killian pushed her against the wall.

"You are going to listen to me." The pirate said putting a hand around the blonde's throat. "You got that?" The pirate had been drinking way too much rum, and was very drunk.

"Yes, I'll listen to you, Killian, I will, just please stop!" She cried. Killian let her go and left her on the ground coughing.

The blonde got up and ran, she ran to her mom's house and knocked on the door.

"Emma? What happened?" The women asked standing in the door way.

The blonde immediately hugged her mom crying. "Killian, hurt me, I don't wanna be with him anymore but he said I have to listen to him, I'm afraid if I don't something bad will happen to me." The blonde cried.

"Emma, come in and get some rest, David will take care of him." Emma's mom said.

Emma walked into the house and sat on the couch still crying, after a few minutes, she calmed her breathing and fell asleep.

The next morning, she woke up and David walked in. "I took care of him." He said.

Emma nodded and got ready for work, she put some make up on to cover the crying stains.

She walked into the station to see hook sitting in the cell.

"Emma, I'm so sorry, I was drunk and I didn't mean to. I'm not saying, get back together, or any of that, I just want you to accept my apologie." He said and Emma sighed.

She walked over to the cell. "Killian, you are gonna stay in there for 2 days, and we haven't broke up yet. Killian, I love you and I forgive you." She said and touched his face tears in their eyes.

"I love you too, swan." Killian said

Thx for reading

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