Bonus chapter-1

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Finally, the bonus chapters are here!

"Y/n, let's go out today!"

"But it looks like it's gonna rain."

I said while looking out of the window. There were dark clouds in the sky. I loved this weather and going out would be such a bliss.

"We love the rain, don't we?"

He said and smiled teasingly. His favourite hobby must be to tease me everytime he gets chance.

"Alright. I will get ready."

And he nodded and went both got up from bed to get ready.

I took out a black saree and decided to wear it. Cause why not? (She can wear it anywhere she wants cause it's fictional world.)

I came out and braided my hair loosely. I wore silver jhumkas to match my outfit and a black bindi.

All set to go!

I applied lipstick and blew myself a kiss and winked at my reflection. (Mandatory action, especially when you look like a bomb! 😉)

I went near the bed to take my mobile when I saw him enter the room, wearing all black. He was rolling his sleeves up.

I just shamelessly crossed my hands and continued staring at him with a smirk on my lips. (Bandi flirting ke mood me hai!)

"Enjoying the view of your husband, mrs. Jeon?"


And he blushed. The Jeon freaking jungkook blushed! Oh god! Such a sight to see. I should continue being bold and keep flirting with him to see this sight of him.

He came near me and pulled me closer to him by my waist. But instead of blushing, I encircled my hands around his neck.

He just smirked at my this side and tilted his head a little. And I just repeated his actions.

"This is another side of mrs. Jeon?"

"Mmm-hmm. Do you like it?"


He put one side strand of my hair behind my ear and kissed my cheek.

"Shall we go?"

He said and went a little back but I grabbed him near to me by his collar, making him shocked.

"We can stay here only if you want, darling."

And he chuckled at that.

"We can stay in here at night. Let's go now!"

And he grabbed my wrist and led me out of the house.

"Where are we going?"

I said during our car ride.

"I don't know. Do you want to go somewhere specific?"

I just shook my head and connected my phone and started playing some songs and opened the window.

"How about a book cafe? And it is near Han river only, so we can go for a walk afterwards."

"Nice idea."

"Ofcourse, afterall the one giving ideas is nice too."

And I just chuckled at that.

We soon reached a book cafe and it was big. It wasn't much crowded and was perfect for my liking.

('dilliwaali girlfriend' vibes coming up!)

We both got out from the car and closed the door. I walked towards the door of the cafe and saw the people outside staring at me.

Indian Love Story | Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now