Chapter 3

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"We want you to be the next heir of the company."


"I know it is shocking for you but now, me and your dad are aging old and we need someone to take over our company. And you are our only heir. So please y/n, don't decline this offer."

"I am ready to do anything for you and dad, mom. But what exactly would I need to do? I dont even know how big our company is."

"I will tell you everything you need to hear. But please accept the offer. You will be the next owner of this whole company."

"Mom, as I told you, I am ready to take over the company as long as you and dad are happy."

Then out of happiness, my mom hugged me so tightly. I just chuckled a little and hugged her back.

"I am so happy to have a daughter like you."

"I am also so happy to have a mom like you!"

"So I will give you a brief information about what you will be doing. You will be the owner and ceo of the company. Well you know how big our company is."

Yeah, technically speaking, they have a big company and it has so many connections around the whole world.

"You will be the ceo and owner of the company and there will be a big press conference to announce it."

Being the owner and ceo means taking the whole company in your own hands and making it big as much as possible. I will try my best to make the company more successful.

"You will have to take all the decisions of the company. You will need to make the company more successful and big and gain your respect and make your own name."

"I will, mom. I will not disappoint you or dad, I promise."

"I was expecting this only from you, my dear. And as you are a doctor, it will be easy for you to handle the hospital section for you."

I just nodded while my mom smiled at me.

"So what do you want to eat?"

"No no, you go and take rest. I will make your favourite food for you. You will be tired after such a long journey."


With that, I left for my room with my luggage.

I went inside my room and threw myself on the bed.

It felt comforting in your own bed. I saw that my room was exactly the same as before when I left it.

It still had those fairy lights hanging around and all those plushies were still neatly arranged on the bed.

(Comment if you remember when this happened.)

It reminded me of the old times when jungkook used to be so cheesy and when he used to give me surprises and he loved me unconditionally.

I took the plushie and hugged it. Its scent reminded me of jungkook. I missed him but I need to do this.

No one can mess with me and use me like a toy even if its jungkook.

I wiped the tears which escaped my eyes on the thought of jungkook and made my mind.

Now, jungkook will see the consequences of messing with me. He will see the independent y/n. The one who has great importance of self respect.

He will see a new side of me which he never knew existed in me. And this time, he will need to make efforts to impress this y/n.

I took a long, hot shower as my muscles were sore from travelling.

After a long shower, I changed into comfortable clothes and then I went downstairs as it was nearly dinner time.

I also saw my father and hugged him. He was shocked at first but soon hugged me back.

"I missed you dad."

"I missed you too my dear daughter."

"Mom, I am hungry. Lets eat dinner!"

My mom and dad chuckled while I sat on the dining table where all the food was placed.

"Dad, mom told me about me being the next heir."

My dad was shocked at that and he looked at my mom.

"And I agreed."

"You did?"

I nodded and he gave me a big smile.

"I believe in you, my daughter. You will make this company successful for sure."

"I will, dad. But well, I need to say something to you both."

"What is it dear?"

My mom said while curiosity laced in her voice.

"I am selected as the main lead in a show..."


Heyy guys!! New update is here!!

Let me know in the comments how this chapter was!!

Indian Love Story | Jungkook FFजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें