Final rest..(Old Moon angst)

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Trigger warning- technically suicide,suicidal thoughts, referenced self harm and set worth issues

Moons pov

There...I did it resetting myself for they sake of getting rid of something that plagued me my whole life.A person who made me a cancer to my own twin brother ,who made me hurt everyone around me now I was free from it...What is death like..? Am I going to die..? Is this death..? My head was filled with questions about what the future was for me and what now was and all the guilt finally settling into my consciousness.The guilt of just leaving permanently leaving sun,lunar,Monty,and my new rest self, with just the memory of me. I always thought I deserved death probably worse than this this wasn't painful it didn't bring justice for anything I've done. how many people and kids I've killed how many people I've hurt. I could still feel everything I could feel all my data being whipped away it didn't hurt it felt like when you reached you hand up to touch you're face after running both you're hand and face warm it was a light burning but comforting feeling it was cold everywhere else even the scars on my wrist didn't hurt or scratch after awhile I rebooted back in my head it was the same as before blue and purple and while cloudy stiff in the air it was beautiful unlike any other time I was here it was cold yet warm and comforting instead of burning and pain and crying I felt numb and content instead of enraged and depressed I wasn't dead just finally free and alone away from the stress and pain life gave me I just sat there in the cold light abyss replaying memories in my mind the would soon become sickening and repetitive the more I watched and the more the watched them over and over my action was selfless but god damn how I felt so selfish now I want to go back I want to say sorry to sun and to lunar and to Monty to everyone I did everything why am I not dead?! I want to leave this place is scary I've always been scared to be fully alone even though how much I would do just to deny the fact that I was scared I was always scared but I tried expressing that through anger because what I thought was weakness only got me hurt because it always did now I looked seeing my new body move the confusion and fear on what was no longer my face. Seeing sun's reaction almost made me want to cry even though we can't cry since we're animatronics now I'd been here for months seeing the hatred the new me had for myself god if he even saw me he'd probably rip my throat out and honest I don't be him I deserve it I've already nearly killed myself both on accident and on purpose. but, I'm not here to pity myself and my pathetic self.... I looked over to see what "I" was doing now...he knew I was here now...?

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