This is now youre safe space(Lunar and blood moon bonding) 680 words

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Lunars text : you're funky little person!
Bloodmoon text: kill we shall kill we shall!
Narrator/me : hello my children
Lunars pov
Why do I keep feeling numb I hate this I want to be able to feel pain ugh wait what did earth say to do if I felt like this ? She told me to try and talk to someone about it but who could I talk to sun and moon are god knows where earth and Monty are on a date and nice eclipse is over working himself probably trying to find out where ruin is currently and he won't stop until he know for sure where ruin is so that leaves bloodmoon he was recently turned back to the "good side" ruin hurt him a lot similar to what eclipse did to me but worse basically tortured so we took him back in as a brother anyways back to what I was doing, I probably should go talk to bloodmoon he's my best option and he would probably get my trauma since he went through something similar now to go find him he hides a lot
I walk into the theater since that is normally his hiding place
"Bloodmoon!!!" I yelled but all I received was silence so I walked further into the theater and I saw him he was just sitting there talking to himself I questioned what he was doing in the past this was normal cause he had another half but his was removed due to ruin ruin killed them so why is he talking to himself I walked closer trying to listen to what he was doing and I heard him singing he was actually pretty good at it actually amazing at it his voice sounded so cool and calming he was singing some kind of song I couldn't recognize it at first but then I realized it was the song him and his brother always used to sing I felt bad for him he lost someone really close to him who he knew all his life So I walked over to him

BloodMoons's pov
I was singing the song I used to sing with my brother I had been missing him a lot lately I hate ruin for killing him oh how much I would do just to hear my brothers voice again this song is normally the only thing that calms me down I heard a faint call of my name but I ignored it sine I didn't see anyone and I didn't recognize the voice yelling for me to go over there but soon I heard another call of my name and it was closer and I recognized who it was Lunar?! Why would he be here and why is he looking for me is he mad he was yelling I still didn't budge if he was mad it would be better for me to hide then about 1or 2 minutes later I heard another from right behind me but he didn't sound mad so I turned around to see his face he seemed concerned not a hint of aggression in his face or tone
"Hi lunar did you need something?"
"No just wanted to hang out with you is that okay?"
"Of course you can hang out with me"
"Yay thanks bloody"
You're welcome now is there anything you had in mind?"
"No just kinda wanted to talk"
They talked for a while and soon got on the topic of eclipse
"I hate eclipse I hope he stays dead he was really mean he insulted me and hit me"
"Yeah but you've healed from all that right your not feeling numb or sad right?"
*looks away*
"You haven't have you?"
"No I haven't I still feel numb and sad"
"Do you want a hug"
" *nods* y-yes please!"
Bloodmoon hugs lunar tightly letting lunar rest his head on his shoulder
"You could have told me earlier when you first came in"
" i didn't want to bother you"
"You wouldn't have bothered me this is now your safe space"

68O words mother fucker this is like the most I've ever done

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