Moony angst

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TRIGGER WARNINGS: detailed gore and murder, suicidal thoughts

Moons pov
I went to sleep early that night because I had been getting no sleep for about a week or a month I don't really know and at first I was just simply sleeping but my dreams soon turned into nightmares in the nightmare I hurt sun ripped him apart while hearing him screaming for me to stop hurting him and that he was sorry but I couldn't I didn't have control soon all I saw was oil and blood all over me and tears leaking down my face I had sun cold dead body in front of me I cried even louder in the nightmare soon I walked away and started walking towards a kid a innocent little boy he had a smile on his face and greeted me oblivious to what had happened "hi mr moony where's Sunny I made a picture for him!!" They boy said with him raising the picture up to where I could see it and his adorable innocent little smile I responded with "you can meet him soon" as I started to kill him ripping his face tearing his stomach along with his organs basically dismembering him my body in real life was shaking tears falling down and staining my face and I was hyperventilating and crying loudly but not every one could hear it . It's seemed like to be no one could hear or they could and just didn't care I didn't doubt the second one

Suns pov
I heard crying coming from moons room? So I went to go check it out at first I thought maybe it was a kid that got left behind from pick up and went to moon room but I soon realized it was moon he was in his bed he was crying and hyperventilating and shaking harshly I tried to wake him up and it work he looked at me with fear "moon what happened why are you crying?" I placed my hand on his face he soon dragged it away and said "nothing happened I'm fine I promise" normally I would believe him but he was breathing harshly and his whole body was still shaking and tears where still on his face his tears are oil so it stood out like a sore thumb
"Moon don't lie to me something obviously happened you don't cry for no reason and you are also hyperventilating and shacking so no you are not fine"
"Its stupid"
"Can you at lest tell me what it was"
"All it was was a stupid fucking nightmare" he said harshly but his aggression falling apart throughout the sentence he sounded like he wanted to cry
"What happened in the nightmare you can tell me if you want to I'm not forcing you"
"If I hold you will you tell me then" sun offered that since he knew moon liked being hugged when he was like this (he this mean this has happened before)
*hugs moon closely letting moon rest his head on sun's shoulder*
"Can you tell me now what happened in the nightmare?" Sun had to really hush his voice since he is normally really loud but he tried to calm his voice throughout this whole thing
"In the nightmare I wasn't in control of my body kill code was and I hurt you and killed you and I kept hearing you scream for me to stop and that you're sorry and..*stars crying more* and it made me cry because I'm scared I might do that and I don't want to I don't want to hurt you not to mention kill you...!"
*wipes moons tears* "you would never do that I promise we will figure you how to get rid of your kill code"
"You can't remove it it a part of me you'd have to kill me..."
"I'm not going to kill you there has to be a another way there has to.."
"Sunny I have a question"
"Mhm what is it?"
"Do you think everyone would be more happy if I was....dead?"
"Moon, please don't tell me you've been having those thoughts again"
"I have for a bit I didn't tell you cause I feel like I would be a burden and ruin the mood"
"Moony so many people would be devastated if you died earth,Monty,lunar, hell even nice eclipse you two are friends and of course me I don't know what I would even do with out you and I don't want to lose you"
"Thanks sun"
"You're welcome brother"
"This might be awkward to ask....but can I stay with you for the night please?"
"Of course you can"
They cuddled the end :]

Word count :795

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