Moon comforts lunar (part two of lunar angst) (‼️UPDATED‼️)

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Trigger warning
Self harm

Also this is still a work in progress with editing

Moons pov
I walked into the room were lunar was I was told by solar to keep a eye on him since luanr always manages to get in trouble when alone like when bloodmoon showed up or those stupid star people things (Gemini and nebula) so I to walk over to him my concern growing a bit when I saw his arm bandaged and the knife that was on the table in a different spot now but I didn't say anything about it

"Hi lunar." I waved to him before walking closer and crouching in front of him so that way it wasn't as awkward with how different our heights are since lunar is way smaller than me lunar is about three or four feet tall and I am like 8'2 so our heights are pretty different and I didn't want to off put lunar in anyway he is already off edge from all the stuff that's been happening he looked right at me he looked slightly nervous like he was about to be caught for something but that's how lunar just is sometimes so I just kinda let it be but I still asked about what happened to his arm "why is your arm bandaged?" I asked him I was still scared that he was cutting himself again luckily I wasn't the one to find out about him slitting his wrist the first time he did it,it was earth who found out I was just told by her I'm just hoping that that's not the case this time

Lunars pov
wait did I forget to roll down my sleeves? I did...oh no just lie and it'll be fine he doesn't know right earth told me that she didn't tell anyone when she found out I was cutting myself

Moons pov
"yeah they are sill healing from the last time I well you know...self harmed...." I sighed at his response I could tell he was lying he still looked nervous but I wasn't fully sure and I didn't want to assume what had happened to his arm and why it was bandaged was because he was self harming but I knew that was probably the case "that was a long time ago Luna .....please don't tell me you are cutting your arms again." I looked at him my expression full of concern I really didn't want my younger brother to be cutting himself I cared for him a lot  he looked away from me "they are still healing that's all I stoped doing that a long time ago" he tried to sound calm but his voice went against him he probably knew that I now probably know about his self harm I responded to what he had said with "well if you did stop then take off the bandages" I directed my eyes towards his arm that was bandaged and had oil stains all over the bandages (oil is animatronic blood cause I said so) he looked down at the ground "no..." his voice was now soft and sad not like his normal happy energetic self I took the bandages off of his arm myself since he didn't I wanted to make sure he wasn't hurting himself once I got the bandage off I saw just how bad he cut himself they were deep cuts and oil was all over his arm "Luna.... Why would you hurt yourself this badly....?" I looked at him I was heartbroken to see just how badly he had hurt himself this time when he first cut himself it was just small cuts that weren't even half the size of the cuts that now cover his arm
"I was feeling numb and I wanted to get rid of that feeling so I saw the knife and started cutting....I'm sorry bubba..." at this point lunar was starting to age regress he clinged  onto me like a small child he buried his face into my chest like a small clingy toddler i softly hugged him back although I hated physical touch like hugs and stuff it's too hard for me to just push him off  when he is like this or at anytime "Please don't cut yourself again it hurts me to see you do that to yourself you could have called me and I would have been there and helped you."

Lunar - you where busy though...

Moon - you are more important so please next time tell me doesn't matter if I'm busy or not just tell me I don't want you to hurt yourself

Lunar- okay I'll try to tell you next time

Moon -okay well do you still feel numb

Lunar - just sad

I'll make it longer later but if now deal with this ok ik it's short also Luna is a nickname for lunar I thought it was cute and fit him soooo yeah

847 words btw

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