Ill let you be small in my arms(age regressed lunar X Gemini)

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My ideas for this chapter: Lunar having a terrible day at work and gets in a small fight with earth and regresses alone  after getting back to his room completely alone or so he thought aka his favorite little star child comes to visit him and gives him a lot of affection and kisses(like kisses on the foreheads or something)
Trigger warning-  abuse trauma flashbacks and small mentions of self harm but aside from that it's just fluff and cuddles

Lunar talking "sometimes you're friends aren't really you're friends!:]"

Gemini talking "boop!>:3"

Lunars pov
God today was to say the least stressful sally was the only good behaving kid in the daycare the other got into the Sundrop candies and kept hitting me of course it didn't hurt but it was annoying when I was trying to help the other kids they mostly just liked pulling on my arms or softly punching them or kicking my legs and when a fight between nick and carter happened I tried to separate them but one nick had punched me in the face I kinda just froze in shock the kid was strong and it really reminded me of eclispe not to even mention the names they called me I sighed remembering how terrible today was and remembering taking my anger out I earth I didn't hurt her If I did I would never forgive myself I just kept yelling at her god damit I'm becoming just like eclipse putting my emotions on other people and hurting my own "younger" sibling I sigh quite loudly trying to get rid of all the overwhelming feelings I open my eyes again to reality when did the lights and color in my room look and feel so bright and overwhelming and the hoodie that is normally my comfort hoodie feels uncomfortable and itchy Solar told me was this was before I forgot what it was called but it does have something to do with my autism and sensory issues I sit down on the floor my back pressed harshly into the wall I feel odd I don't like it I feel small like some stupid child my god I thought I was done with doing what ever this is Solar told me it was normal and that it's my "brain" trying to like process all of the trauma and stress I have but I don't like it I want bubba no no I'm not a little kid bubba-eclipse  used to hurt me when I was little I pull the small star plushie from the box near me it was something moon well old moon got me before he got reset and started ignoring me and he only liked earth Solar and sunny it wasn't fair why was I the only one out why won't bubba (moon)talk to me it's not fair not even Monty doesn't likes me he didn't even care when I got revived he cared more about foxy is not fair(some grammar mistakes are purposeful since lunars regressed so he won't speak like an adult lunars normally regresses 3-5 years old)
I hear I odd sound it the sound that happens when castor of Pollux show up I look up to see it's both of them "gem!" (Lunars to far regressed to get mad at himself for acting little again)

Gemini's pov
I look down at lunar who's sitting against the wall hugging his legs and the star plushie in his arms he looks really...cute and adorable "lunar you have to train today""don't wanna train wanna play with you two" we both looked at lunar in pure confusion he was acting and sounding like a little kid "lunar? Why are you acting like a little kid" "not supposed to be little sorry" the r's in sorry sound more like w's wait was lunar regressed that would explain the baby talk and him holding a children's plushie and wanting to play "it's okay luna how old do you feel darling?" I looked at lunar he was clearly regressed but why wasn't he being taken care of ?Lunar held up three fingers "oh you're really little why aren't you being taken care of who normally takes care of you when you're little?" I softly picked up lunar carrying him to his bed and setting him on my lap the poor thing clinged onto me for dear life "bubba normally takes care of me" I could feel lunar bury his head into the crook of my neck I didn't know who lunar was talking about I knew bubba meant brother but he had like 5 brothers so which one "Soly but bubbas busy today" ah so Solar I knew that guy had a soft spot for a least one kid "how long have you been regressing when did you first regress?" I look down at lunars who's clinging onto his plushie and my waist he's so cute "back in October but clipsey got mad at me he broke my paci(pacifier) and kicked and hit me" that fucking asshole hurting a kid especially lunar and when he's regressing I take a quick look around the room luanr said he used to have a pacifier so he probably has one now I spot a purple and sky blue pacifier on the nightstand that has a star chain on it and clouds painted on it "darling do you want you're pacifier?" I look at lunar who's making small grabby hands towards the pacifier in my hands I softly place in his his mouth for him his face turns more relaxed he did look tired earlier so I'm guessing he should sleep and as I was just thinking that he basically passes out on my lap I continue holding him on my lap i it felt awkward to just kinda stare at lunar as he slept eh a little sleep wouldn't hurt I softly close my eyes falling asleep with lunar

More of this crack ship brought to you by a sleep deprived and sick bitch

Ima continue this later I'm tired and sick so ima try and sleep bye loves🩷🌸

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