⭐️Well needed comfort from a star⭐️

594 15 11

Trigger warnings - mentions of self harm and unhealthy coping mechanisms
Castor : "we are not friends lunar.."
Lunar: "hi..!"
Narrator aka me : "hello my little moonlights"
1656 words >:3
Castor's pov
I was helping lunar with training his star power again we were in the same forest as usual anyone would be able to hear the loud birds and the deers stepping on the fallen leaves in my opinion it was nice background noise but it seemed to make lunar unfocus on everything trying to block out the sound of everything from what I can tell lunar is pretty sensitive to most sounds I've seen him cover his audio sensors since animatronics don't have ears or he just turns it off I'm sure there a reason just I don't really look into stuff like that as I was zoning off again which I often do I saw lunar holding his wrist and wincing at pain or at least it looked like that I walked over to him I was about 5 feet away from him and i softly grabbed his arm his pained expression turned worse "Lunar? Is your arm okay...?" my tone was somewhat curious and confused but also quite emotionless as normal I softens my grip on his arm seeing his pain expression I don't know why I felt bad for him I'm supposed to not be able to feel "yeah um it's fine...!" Lunars tone didn't seem truthful to me he seems nervous he had a clearly forced smile on his face aswell "Lunar...tell me why you're arm is hurting you're wincing in pain and it's affecting you're training..!"

Lunars pov
Does he only care because it's affecting my training?!not that I'm clearly in pain well it's to be expected he said he can't feel emotions so I would guess it would be hard for him to understand them my scars on my wrist were still hurting like hell the fabric on the shirt I wore felt like knifes reopening the wounds from my excessive self harm I was still holding my wrist trying to make the pain go away castor looked concerned for some odd reason we aren't friends we aren't close with each other we're not friends I tried calling him my friend but he shut that down immediately so I don't know why he's concerned "yeah,yeah I'm fine.." castor looked back at my arm starring at it for a moment before he grabbed my arm again his grip firm but careful not to hurt me my breathing picked up when he pulled up my sleeve my scars now on full display to him I had even forgotten to put the bandages on so that they would heal the cuts on my arm were deep and wide oil leaking out from them just small bits though about how much a human would have after scraping their knee or getting a paper cut but when they were fresh that wasn't the case but I had luckily managed to get most of the oil off my arm but the oil still stained my metal castor looked at the cuts surrounding my arm horrified "who did this to you..?!" He asked me harshly but his tone went back to his normal calm unbothered one I cowardly admitted that I had in fact done all of this to myself "i did this to myself.." he looked at me even more concerned "why..why would you do this to yourself why would you harm yourself...?" "It's hard to explain why I did hurt myself especially to someone who can't feel emotions themselves no offense it's just hard and I barely know why myself.." to be honest I mostly self harm because I was taught by my brother eclipse that bad behavior meant being hit or nearly killed by him so it was half learned from that and the fact he made me feel like I'm not worth anything like I'm just some tool for him that could be easily replaced with some other toy that he could make I was always just some sidekick that no one paid attention to or someone just in way as I was completely lost in my own thoughts about all of my problems and why I would cut my own "skin" just to feel okay he hugged me "I noticed you were crying and Pollux told me to hug someone to comfort them when they do that.." was I actually crying and didn't notice and soon enough I was how blurry my vision was and I felt the cold blobs of tears rolling down my face my arms stayed right at my side and my face in pure shock that he would do this soon enough I melted into the hugged wrapping my arms around him aswel and putting my head on his shoulder he felt oddly warm and nice I liked it it was comforting it was just like when moon would try and calm me down when I would have trauma flashbacks or I had just gone through some new trauma well before he got reset and it was like I couldn't recognize him anymore he wasn't as nice and calm as much as he preached about him being a better person I didn't see it like that any time I saw him he was always wanting to kill somebody who made any of our lives worse I knew moony wasn't like that before now I'm basically just kinda left by myself I only like hanging out with Solar and earth Solar my or may not be my favorite though he helps when I regress he's the only one who knows about it castor sighed at the fact I was now hugging him for dear life not wanting to let go he look back down at me since he's a bit taller "how about you talk to me for a bit while we look at the starts and I try to heal this..?" Castor lowered his tone probably to seem more comforting and calm and oh my god it worked he grabbed one of his hands and teleported us over to some place it was beautiful I could feel the cold snow under my shoes and I looked up to see glowing lights in the sky I believe they are called the northern lights they were beautiful bright green streaks of light my mouth made a "O" shape in amazement I could feel my excitement growing inside me it was a breathtaking sight castor softly pulled me down to sit with him I sat right by him probably to close for his comfort but I didn't care I was still seeking more of his warmth he gently grabbed me and put me on his lap both his and mine faces were blushing "I'm just doing this so it's easier to heal you're arm and I'm sure you don't mind" "you're right I don't mind you're comfy so I have no complaints" he softly smiled at me his smile was so cute to me for no reason I've never seen him do it he gently grabbed my wrist and placed his hand down on my scars his hands illuminated some green light my arm felt wired it was like a tingly feeling I looked back at my wrist to see all of the scars closed not gone but now healed "those should be gone in 2 days I don't want to ever see them ever reappear okay?" Why does he care so much he's supposed to just be helping me train not healing the wounds I've done to myself for years his tone kind of scared me at the end it was more harsh and I didn't like that it scared me even though I knew I shouldn't be scared of him he said he's lower star power than me so why am I scared by him just changing his tone he probably noticed my slight fear he softly sighed again but he didn't say anything he just continued to stare down at my scars I didn't say anything earlier I was too tired to training has been tiring me out for weeks I've also been avoiding sleeping/charging cause I'm still getting those horrible dreams and emotional stress had been wearing me out aswel I accidentally leaned back more into castors chest I was facing away from him my back up against his chest he looked down at me in surprise my eyes closed to quickly for me to get his full expression put I could feel him wrap his arms around me and him stand up he teleported again too what looked to be the daycare where me and earths area was i opened my eyes to look around for a couple seconds but then they forcefully closed again castor set me down on the floor of the room leaning me up against the wall in the spot where I had already laid out blankets and pillows and some of my plushies aka spigot and moonlight which is my star one moon got for me in one of the claw machines in the pizza plex I didn't want him to leave and I was scared he would I knew earth wasn't going to be back until tomorrow afternoon since she was hanging out with Monty in a different country for their 1 year anniversary (my au is in the future) castor must have read my mind or something or he saw me starring at him practically begging for him to stay with me because he sat right next to me I leaned my head against his shoulder and went into rest mode he softly wrapped his arm around my shoulder and fell asleep aswel

?" Castor lowered his tone probably to seem more comforting and calm and oh my god it worked he grabbed one of his hands and teleported us over to some place it was beautiful I could feel the cold snow under my shoes and I looked up to see glowing...

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Lol ima finish this tomorrow or at 3am today I don't know but it will get finished soon<3! Bye my children 👋

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