I didnt mean to hurt him...im not bad like him right..?

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‼️Trigger warning‼️- abuse flashback and mentioning' of it happening,  transphobia(lunar is trans because I said so and if course it will be eclipse saying all the rude things) , death

Lunar- "what's a life I died😃?"
Earth - "im the baby though🥺"
Eclispe- "my source is that I made it the f##k up!"

Lunars pov
I was just at the entrance of the daycare with earth as she was going on and on about her new design I was paying attention and to her words at the parts of her outfit or herself while she was talking her design was beautiful not in a wired way she's my sister and I don't even like girls (I ship lunar&castor) I was bit amazed seeing her twirl around and the skirt flowing around and not lifting up to much I knew how fun it was to do because I used to do it when I had my old body the one that was nano-machines where I could be anything I wanted and I had a whole collection of skirts moon knew but he didn't care much I never told him I did it was  because I felt female I just said they felt nicer than the pants and that they looked better too geez I was getting distracted again... "isn't my new design amazing lunar..?!" I softly nod my head it did look amazing it's had flowed surrounding the base of the skirt and it looked like a flower field her face was different as well I didn't hate it but it's just so overwhelming seeing everyone change while I've just been the same minus being more depressed and suicidal "yeah..it definitely fits you.." I hear some foot steps not one of a human but an animatronic probably just Monty wanting to hang out with earth my eyes dash to the door once hearing the creek of the large wooden doors of the daycare open and I look to see...eclipse...no no no why...why him! why now he's going to hurt me..! "lunar..I won't kill..you..I just..need..a bit of..help"" I stare at my deranged "brother" in front of me I don't want to be used again... "no.." eclipse laughs and leans down at bit tilting his body sideways god how I didn't miss that laugh I try to force myself to not get scared or even cry and hide from him my body just freezes in shock as eclipse goes on and on insulting me and my sister calling me pathetic and childish I should be used to this by now..but I'm not..his word hurt me..yet I still feel like crawling back to him...suddenly I lose control of my emotions it's almost like the only things controlling my body is rage and hatred I can feel my power starting to flare up but instead of calming myself and forcing myself to stop I just continue to let it flare up as I yell at eclipse "hopefully this time you'll stay dead and if you even dare to come back I'll find you again and kill you..!" Then my powers go off killing him..why did I do that..what have I done I'm a monster..I'm just like him... my body collapses to the ground tears roll out from under my eyes not stoping "I did it I-I'm free..!" My mouth goes into a smile against my will as tear continues to flow down like a water fall "lunar..what did you do..?" Earth looks down at me she looks shocked maybe even disgusted and scared at what I did...why is she scared he's the villain he's the one to hurt everyone here "I-I killed him..." earth looks at me as if I had commented some war crime..she continues going on and in about how she felt about this if you asked me I probably couldn't tell you a single thing you said my mind was racing at what I just did would the Astro bodies kill me just like eclipse did..? Cold, heartless, zero emotion while doing it then she just told me she was going to 'take a walk' which I knew at this point was either her going and telling everyone what happened I don't have even the energy to go and stop her if that's as the case of she's either just trying to process everything in her room and most likely...cry... god how much of a fucking monster am I I'm just like eclipse I should have been the one killed with no mercy I stood up then sat back down where he was killed my legs against my chest and my arms over them tears pouring out from under my eyes like a water fall I just sit there tears downing my under my eyes and cheek and dripping down onto my shirt
Two hours after the incident
My tears finally died down a bit but I was still crying the only feeling in my body was guilt and sadness i heard more footsteps panic set into my body was I in trouble did moon find out?! But the I look and see eclipse..but I killed him how is he already back?

Sorry still a work in the making my loves/children

Sun and moon show and earth and lunar show OneShots Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang