[how to] Bring down the house

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Entering the main area Penelope was instantly hit with the thick rolling waves of tensions radiating from the assembly.

Shane was visibly sweating bullets as he and Cade began engaging in a face off of sorts—presumably something more so to do with the younger man dating Tessa than the possibility of him loosening his nerve during the mission. Speaking of Tessa, the other girl was anxiously fidgeting about as she side-eyed Hound going over his gear and rambling along the lines of 'ohh! Yea; this baby packs quite the punch' or 'definitely can't forget about this little doozie.'

Even her bubbly Bumblebee looked serious about what was yet to come whereas next to him Uncle Optimus stood strong and noble like the warrior she always remembered him to be. "Is everyone accounted for Hound?" He asked turning to the army green autobot.

"Yep; we're all here and ready to go boss." Replied Hound as he finally finished packing away his gear.

"Very well then." Addressing the crowd the Prime then ordered. "Everyone! Roll out!"

In a matter of seconds he along with all the other autobots swiftly transformed into vehicular mode, then once their human passengers were safely clicked inside— she in Uncle Optimus, Cade and Shane in Drift, and Tessa in Bumblebee— they left the cathedral and drove off in route towards KSI.

Throughout most of the drive she and Uncle Optimus remained completely silent as they followed the autobot procession down the streets of Chicago, the energy in the cab buzzing with anxiousness yet also an aura of determination in their quest of avenging their loved ones. "Of all the places on Earth I never thought I'd find myself back here." Confessed Uncle Optimus being the first to break the silence. "Chicago."

"'Yes I remember as known as the 'Dark of the Moon'," she replied solemnly glancing at the city that had not too long ago been ravaged by a war between humans and autobots and decepticons. "The time when Megatron sought to combine Earth with Cybertron."

"As well as Sentinel Prime." Holo-avatar hands clenching down tightly onto the steering wheel, Uncle Optimus glaring out bitterly at the busy city streets ahead of him as he recalled the betrayal of his former mentor.

When they stopped at a red light Penelope took the opportunity to place her hand over his in a comforting manner. "It wasn't your fault you know, in fact nobody had a clue as to what was really going on nor did anybody even suspect that Sentinel Prime had a secret agenda of his own."

Letting out a sigh the humanized prime briefly glanced her way, his electric blue eyes swimming with sadness and regret. "That may be Penelope, but nevertheless because I placed my trust in the wrong person many lives were lost—Including Ironhide's."

"I'm sorry, I understood the two of you had been close friends. You and Ironhide I mean."

"Indeed; long before our earthly exodus Ironhide was one of the bravest, toughest and most loyal bots I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. While he gained a family of his own with the Lennox's, he greatly cherished Cybertron as his home and desired nothing more than to have seen it restored to its former glory. Unfortunately even if there was a way for Cybertron to be rebuilt he sadly would never be able to see it happen let alone return home."

"Same with dad." Replied Penelope remorsefully as she recalled past memories of her cybertronian father along with the tough-as-nails Ironhide.

Seeing the traffic light turn green Penelope removed her hand from Uncle Optimus's own so he could drive— as well as keeping up the illusion that he was just another ordinary human driver at the wheel— and placed it on her kneecap.  "Penelope listen to me," he spoke still keeping his attention on the road. "When we split up I want you to keep your com link on and to let us know where you are at all times and above all else to remain close by Cade's side so that in case things go wrong he can protect you until either I, Bee or one of the other bots can retrieve you."

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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