Something there

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•••••(Drift's pov)•••••

Hearing the roar of car engine Drift paused in his katana practicing and looked to see Crosshairs stomp inside the old cathedral. "Bad enough I had to spend sixteen hours of driving over sandy terrain, ducking into smelly city alleyways, but then Optimus had me as acting as a babysitter and taxi service to human teenagers while he and Cade were out playing I spy at KSI headquarters! Hmmph!!!! Waste of my perfectly good talents!"

"Well spending sixteen hours inside a grinch of a car is hardly my idea of fun either Cross!" Snapped Shane as he, Tessa and Penelope followed alongside the green paratrooper.

"What the scrap is a grinch?!?!" Snipped Crosshairs.

"A grinch is a green, grumpy and ugly creature just like you!" Retorted Tessa. "Only difference is that the grinch is just a fictional character in a kids movie."

The samurai shook his head in exasperation. 'I expected this kind of behaviour from teenagers, but Crosshairs— actually no now that I think about it, Crosshairs as always acted like a crankcase.'

"Knock it off all of you!" Ordered Penelope. "Attinger already has enough manpower and firepower to wipe us out of existence as it is. The last thing we need right now is for a bunch of flaring tempers!"

Crosshairs only rolled his optics as he stalked over and plunked himself down next to Bumblebee where he began the meticulous task of cleaning his blasters while Penelope took out a strange bottle from her back pack before splitting off somewhere else.

The samurai furrowed his optical ridge at this, but before he could question it further Tessa and Shane had approached over towards a rickety old table where Cade was sitting at before dumping out their own plundered goods. He watched as an unimpressed look pass over the inventor's face at the big white bottle of protein shake his daughter had pulled out. "Look I said essentials only!"

"It wasn't easy," argued Tessa defensively. "And we almost got caught."

Picking up a bottle filled with weird green liquid Cade looked inquisitively over at Shane. "You stole mouthwash?"

"Yea;" was his laidback response. "I'd like to be fresh when I'm making out with your daughter."

What happened next was in Drift's opinion very fitting!

Cade swiftly snatched up the bottle of mouthwash and flung it all the way across the room eliciting a fit of laughter from Bumblebee.

"Yea that's not happening. Ever!" Retorted Cade.

'Alright; I will admit that was very amusing!' Mused Drift fighting the urge to laugh.

"Ever?" Repeated Tessa daringly quirking a brow at her father.

Before their arguing could spiral any further Hound rolled inside the cathedral. "Hey Cade you almost ready to give us the dirt on KSI because I'm itching to shoot those butchers!"

"Yep;" replied Cade popping his 'p'. "I'll do the debriefing once everyone is gathered. Speaking of which where did Penelope go?" He asked looking around to notice the absence of the British woman.

Loyalty is but a flower (Bayverse Drift x OC love story)Where stories live. Discover now