Trails in life

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"Me?!?! In love with Penelope?!?!"

"Yep;" stated Hound in a matter of fact sort of tone as he puffed away at his cigar. "And before you ask yes I know exactly what I'm talking about because I've seen first hand a lot of cybertronians falling in love during the war, and you Drift have displayed similar symptoms of— and I quote from earth sayings— someone's whose been shot by one of Cupid's arrows." 

Speechless Drift reflected back on his confusing thoughts and feelings concerning Penelope as he let the words of Hound sink into his processor. "Your—" he started then paused as realization hit him like a ton of cybertronian bricks. "Your right. The jealousy, the protectiveness, the little butterflies fluttering in my tanks. It all makes perfect sense now. But—" the samurai's optical ridges creased with worry. "Does she feel the same way about me?"

"The only way your going to know is if you ask her yourself." Hound observed. "Speaking of feelings, I should probably point out how lucky you are that it's little ol' me having this conversation with you instead of Optimus. In fact the only reason he's not here confronting you himself is because I managed to convince to catch up on some time with his niece Penelope before we go raiding KSI."

Drift mentally winced as he subconsciously raised a servo to his throat. Primes were known to be very protective of their loved ones and Sensei Optimus was certainly no exception!

If Sensei ever found out that he harbours feelings for Penelope, he'd no doubt have Drift's helm chopped off!

"Listen Drift," spoke Hound pausing in his smoking to address the conflicted samurai. "Under any normal circumstances it wouldn't be any of my business to pry into your personal affairs. However seeing as we're going to war against those KSI butchers and Lockdown, the only thing I want to know is if you'll be able to focus on fighting the bad guys and not your own romantic drama!"

"You need not worry about me Hound, I can handle whatever Cemetery Wind and Lockdown throws in my way." But even as he said this, Drift didn't feel all too confident with his own words as the admittance for his romantic feelings for Penelope lingered in his spark.

Hound must have sensed this too because he frowned his bushy optical ridges. "Drift look me in the optics and tell me right here, right now that you can keep your helm in the game instead of letting your processor wander up in the clouds!" He demanded peering unwaveringly at the samurai over the edge of his smoking cigar.

Drift vented deeply before meeting Hound's stony glare. "Hai! I can!"

"Good!" Nodded Hound approvingly. "Now stop trying to maim every single male within the vicinity, and for Primus' sake keep yourself under control until this is all over! Provided of course—" mused Hound shrugging his hefty shoulders. "We even survive this whole ordeal!"

••••••• (Penelope's pov)•••••••

"It's been such a long time since we did this."

Tearing her gaze away from the cherubim statues Penelope turned and quirked a brow questioningly at her Uncle Optimus. "Exploring historic sites or playing hide and seek from trigger happy maniacs?"

"Spending some Uncle-niece bonding time." Clarified the middle aged holo avatar while absently running his fingers across the bottom rim of the ancient cathedral bell hanging up in the tall tower in which he and Penelope were currently standing in.

"That's all too true." Penelope giggled fondly as she recalled happy memories of her younger years. "You know I still remember all those times when you'd sit me on your knee and tell me all about the history of Cybertron as well as old stories of your past life as Orion Pax and what my father was like before the war."

Uncle Optimus chuckled as he too recalled those exact same memories. "Yes; back then you were such an adorable sparkling with an inquisitive mind. Ahh! Those days seem like such a long time ago."

"I know." Sighed Penelope wistfully. "I'd give anything just to relive those happy moments again! To see mother and father one last time—" feeling a bitter pang of regret in her heart, Penelope stared listlessly out the window and watched a couple stroll across the street while pushing a pram with a happy baby girl all safely strapped inside as she gleefully entertained her parents by kicking her little feet about and giggled to her hearts content.

"I went looking for you that day."

Surprised Penelope snapped her head to see Uncle Optimus gazing steadily at her with deep remorse reflected in his blue eyes. "You— did?"

Nodding solemnly the human prime continued gravelly. "When Cemetery Wind first began hunting down cybertronians, Bumblebee and I raced over to your home hoping to evacuate you and your family in time, but upon seeing the ruins of what remained of your home and your carrier's body laying dead on the ground—" breath catching in his throat, Uncle Optimus angrily clenched his fists as he recalled the horror of Cemetery Wind's heinous acts. "We both realized that we were too late! Bumblebee and I frantically scoured the entire area hoping to discover some hint as to your whereabouts, but without any success. Unfortunately in the end we were forced to cut our search short and flee as the police cars were approaching our location. Over the course of the next few days Bee and I traversed across town endlessly searching for you, but no matter where we looked you were simply no where to be found! Then one evening as we stopped to rest at a local motel we overheard a radio announcement stating information about how the dead body of a young teenage girl fitting your description had been fished out of a river."

"Wait so all this time you thought I was dead?!?!" Exclaimed Penelope shocked beyond belief.

"Yes." Answered Uncle Optimus his eyes glistening over with unshed tears. "And it was one of the worst moments of my life! Bumblebee was so distraught that he immediately took off running unto the streets. By the time I finally managed to track him down again, I found him in the local park, weeping bitterly. Throughout the rest of the night I sat by his side and held him close in my arms as we both mourned over you."

"All this time—" repeated a stunned Penelope trying to comprehend all he had spoken to her. "I always wondered if—"

"Always wondered what Penelope?"

"Whether or not I'd been abandoned." Confessed Penelope sadly.

"What?!?!?!" His own sadness and anger quickly  evaporating, Uncle Optimus gazed hard at her with shock and horror written all over his face. "Why in the world  would you think of such a thing as that?!?!"

Hanging her head in shame Penelope elaborated. "When I was drifting across the states, I kept watching and waiting with the hopes that one of you to come and find me. As time went on however and without so much as a whisper as to indicate whether or not you were all still alive I feared at first that Cemetery Wind had killed off everyone. Then I wondered if perhaps the reason no one ever came was because I'd been— cast aside."

"Oh Penelope!" Feeling remorseful Uncle Optimus drew Penelope close and hugged her tightly. "I would have never ever abandoned you!"

Overwhelmed Penelope buried her face against his chest and desperately grasped onto him as if he were a life line while he held her in his arms.

Feeling his lips press a loving kiss to her temple, Penelope nuzzled further into Uncle Optimus's embrace while basking in the soft, familiar touch of his fingers softly stroking her back in the same comforting manner he used to do when she was just a child.

After ten whole minutes of hugging, Uncle Optimus reluctantly pulled away and looked upon his niece affectionately through bloodshot eyes. "Penelope I want you to know that regardless of what happens next, you will always and forever be a part of my family."

Wiping away a stray tear from her eyes, Penelope sniffed. "I love you so much Uncle Optimus." She croaked out her accented voice thick with emotions.

"I love you too my sweet little Penny."

Loyalty is but a flower (Bayverse Drift x OC love story)Where stories live. Discover now