Sanctuary part 2

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Wiping the sweat off his holoform's brow Drift clamped his alt mode's hood shut as he paused in his own repair work.

Using a rag to clean the worst of the grease and oil off his arms Drift lifted his face up towards the silver, crescent moon in the sky. Elevating his foot upon a rickety wooden crate, Drift drew in a deep cleansing breath of fresh air before exhaling slowly through his nose. Though his spark often longed for his own home Cybertron, the autobot samurai greatly admired earth's tranquil beauty, from it's interchanging seasons to everyday consistencies such as the moon, glimmering stars, rippling waters and gentle breezes.

Shaking his head Drift thought it was such a pity humans so flippantly ignore savouring these majestic wonders in peaceful moments such as this. Hearing a creak Drift turned to see Penelope dressed fresh-albeit baggy- clothes sitting down on the trailer stairs and drinking something from a thermos.

He noted the fire burning in her eyes and how she was practically holding her thermos in a vice grip. Concerned Drift walked over to the human lady and asked. "Might if I keep you company?"

A tired smile playing itself on her lips Penelope shook her head. "Not at all." Then gesturing towards a set of deck chairs propped up against the trailer she proposed. "Let's just move over to some more comfortable seating."

"Agreed." Drift waited until Penelope eased herself into the nearest deck chair before following suite. "How are you feeling Drift?"

"A little tired but otherwise I'm alright." Admitted Drift. "Thankfully my battle with Lockdown didn't reopen too many of my previous injuries from those cowards that call themselves Cemetery Wind. After my break I'll resume repairing myself for another hour or so before recharging. Have you eaten yet?"

"Yea, there was one of those little assortment snack packets in the fridge, you knew the one containing small portions grapes, crackers, little meats and cheese, and I also made myself some peppermint tea." she said lifting her thermos for emphasis. "Plus I'd also taken the liberty of packing some granola bars, spare clothes and a bunch of other supplies into a bag for whenever we have to hit the road again."

"Good." Praised Drift in approval. "It's vital that we remain undetected from human eyes so as to avoid any more unpleasant encounters with Lockdown and Cemetery Wind."

"Speaking of which Drift there's something I don't quite understand. If Cemetery Wind and Lockdown both hate the other's species then what possible motive would they have for working together in the first place. I mean don't you find it strange that Lockdown would willingly help humans who could easily turn against him?"

"It is said that even the greatest of all foes will unite solely for the sake of eliminating a common enemy." Reasoned Drift. "Lockdown is no exception as he only cares about collecting his bounty and is willing to do anything to obtain his prize even if it includes killing any innocents who stand in his way or begrudgingly work alongside others. Not to mention that while Lockdown is many things being foolish isn't one of them, and will no doubt dispose of any and all Cemetery Wind agents who dare attempt to betray him."

"You seem to know an awful lot about him?" Observed Penelope.

At this Drift bowed his head in shame. "I— I used to know him. A very long time ago." Then meeting her eyes he switched the subject. "But I assure you Penelope that you have nothing fear, I won't allow any harm to befall you."

"But why?" Asked Penelope in disbelief. "Why after being betrayed by humans would you care about what happens to me?"

"Because Penelope you've saved my life twice now." Answered Drift. "And since Cemetery Wind is hunting both of us down, it only seems right that we work together if for nothing else than to ensure ourselves a better chance of survival."

Taking another sip of her drink, Penelope set her thermos down before standing up and adapting a brisk, businesslike attitude. "Well then partner why don't we get you fixed up?"

Frowning a little Drift rose up from his chair and clamped a hand on Penelope's shoulder. "Penelope please you need sleep, and besides you've done so much for me already." Primus the last thing he wanted was for the poor woman to overwork herself and collapse from neglecting her own health.

"Drift I—" began Penelope with a sigh. "Please I'm not questioning your ability to repair yourself, I just rather not have Savoy's ugly mug invading my sleep again." Here Drift's spark pinged with sympathy as he realized that ever since her near death attack from Cemetery Wind and the loss of her family, Penelope had been struggling with nightmares and was wanting to do anything in order to avoid dealing with them. Especially now after their most recent encounter was still fresh on her mind.

Drift stood in complete silence as he contemplated on what would be best for Penelope. Coming to a decision he said. "Alright you can help me with my repairs Penelope for a little while, but—" here he held up his pointer finger as he continued firmly. "Only on the condition that once we're done for the night, you get some rest." Holding out his hand he waited patiently for her answer.

"It's a deal." Agreed Penelope shaking his hand firmly but gently. Satisfied Drift motioned toward his alt mode and the array of tools he left with his cybertronian body. "Then by all means let us carry on."

Loyalty is but a flower (Bayverse Drift x OC love story)Where stories live. Discover now