Nowhere bound

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Feeling the warm sunlight shining in his face Drift groggily opened his eyes, only to find himself confused at his current surroundings before last night's events flashed through his processor.

After working for nearly two straight hours on his cybertronian body, Penelope finally started succumbing to drowsiness prompting Drift to half carry-half- drag her back to the trailer where he deposited her in bed. Once he was sure that Penelope was sound asleep Drift had gone outside, deactivated his holoform and slept under the stars not too far away in case Penelope needed him, but also in case Denny Clay decided to come down to the scrapyard and catch them unawares.

Or worse have their enemies discover their location and ambush them!

Activating his holoform Drift stretched out his arms as a big yawn escaped his mouth. Deciding to start the day with some yoga exercises, Drift scoured the entire scrapyard until he found a suitable mat for his needs. Unfurling the mat Drift began his yoga exercises, stretching and bending flexibly in all sorts of poses with much ease and in the likeness of an expert.

"No fear. No hate. No anger." He breathed positioning himself into the warrior II pose. As he relaxed his processor drifted back to Penelope and all the time they previously spent at her cabin before Cemetery Wind and Lockdown destroyed it all.

Drift watched the diligent hands nimbly work away at his battered frame. Occasionally Penelope would ask a question regarding his biology when she was stuck on how to fix a certain section and he would patiently explain its function and how to best repair it to which she listened before proceeding to do exactly as he instructed. Other than that Penelope proved herself to be a very capable repairwoman.

Not only that but she was also respectful and never once spoken or acted inappropriately towards him. Something which greatly relieved the samurai considering that some humans have a tendency to be a bit— insensitive about a cybertronian's privacy and sometimes were more interested in seeing what made a transformer tick rather than grant them the same professional courtesy resevered for human patients.

However Penelope was nothing like any other human he'd ever met! Unlike the femmes he previously encountered in the past, Penelope was smart, kind and beautiful in both personality and appearance. He admired everything about her from  the adorable way her brows furrowed in concentration and the way her wavy hair bounced with each step she took, to her compassion in tending his wounds and comforting him whenever his nightmares haunted his sleep, as well as the bravery she displayed when she stood up against Savoy and saved him from Lockdown.

Confused at this train of thought Drift opened his eyes and frowned. "Since when have I ever felt this strongly about a femme before?' He wondered sitting down on his knees.

He remembered feeling overwhelmed with fear when Savoy attempted to kill her and how he ran with mad desperation to save his guardian angel. He also remembered feeling his spark shatter when she broke down in tears after confiding in him about how Cemetery Wind mercilessly slaughtered her parents—one of whom was his best friend— in cold blood. As held her in his arms, he wanted nothing more than to shield her from the horrors of the cruel world while at the same time barely resisting the urge to give in to his old Deadlock persona and murder all those monsters where they stand!

"And that's saying a lot!" Mused Drift. "Considering how hard I've worked to put that part of my past behind me forever!"

Loyalty is but a flower (Bayverse Drift x OC love story)Where stories live. Discover now