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Penelope let out a contented sigh as she got into the bathtub. Leaning back against its side Penelope slowly began to feel herself relax.

When she had gone out for an afternoon stroll two days ago, she never in her wildest dreams expected to stumble across a wounded autobot! After all this time she had feared that all the autobot had been killed off by Cemetery Wind, but after seeing Drift on the path of recovery Penelope was filled with hope again. A hope she never dared think would ever come.

It saddened and angered her to see how quickly humanity had turned against the autobots. Especially since the autobots had already sacrificed and suffered through so much after spending many years protecting earth from the decepticons.

Why any idiot with a half a brain knows that the autobots and their human allies are the real heros!

Yet fools like Galloway, Savoy and Attinger refuse to see them as such, nor did they even hesitate to blame their mistakes and the consequences onto the autobots!

Penelope shuddered at the memory of her unpleasant encounter with Attinger and his thugs. Instinctively her fingers traced over the scar marring her chest.

If they ever find her again.......

'No! That's not going to happen and I won't let them harm Drift either!'

Penelope finished washing herself and pulled the plug. As the soapy water drained out of the bathtub she dried off and changed into some comfy pyjamas before crawling underneath the covers and fell fast asleep.


'They're coming!'

Black SUVs sped down the streets.

'Penelope you must get out of here!'

Predators are swiftly closing in on their prey.

'No! I'm not leaving you here!'

Guns are locked and loaded.

'I'm your guardian Penelope, this is what I was assigned for. Now go before it's too late!'

Attinger watches from afar. 'Kill them.'

A bullet flies loose.

A piercing scream fills the air.


Gasping Penelope shoots up in bed. She lays back against the pillows and takes a few deep breaths to lower her racing heartbeat.

Sleep doesn't come easily to her anymore. Not since that day.

Slipping out of bed Penelope grabs her robe and heads out to the dock. Wrapping her arms around herself she gazes up at the stars in some desperate search for peace to calm her traumatized soul.

Loyalty is but a flower (Bayverse Drift x OC love story)Where stories live. Discover now