Kindness from a stranger

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Panting heavily Drift drags himself through the forest leaving a trail of energon in his wake. With each step he grows weary, but still Drift pushes on lest he gets captured by Cemetery Wind. He was lucky enough to escape them last time; however Drift got severely wounded during the process.

Pausing to catch his breath Drift peaks down at his  side and internally winced at the amount of energon leaking out.

'I must find shelter and fast! Before Cemetery Wind or a decepticon finds me!'

Drift took a few steps forward, stumbled and collapsed onto his knees.

Hearing a faint gasp Drift's helm snapped up to see an auburn haired female staring at him with concern?

Brandishing one of his swords at the woman Drift yelled. "Stay away from me!"

The woman held her hands up in a nonthreatening gesture. "It's alright, I'm not going to hurt you!"

Drift raised an optical ridge*. "And why should I trust you?"

After the battle of Chicago the autobots have once again been unjustly blamed for the destruction of human lives which is why he and the rest of the surviving autobots are now on the run. Hence Drift's wariness.

"True, you have every reason not to. However judging from your condition." She nodded toward his bleeding side. "I'd say that you have two options. 1) you accept my help or 2) you bleed to death and therefore you wouldn't be able to protect your family. Either way the choice is yours."

Drift sighed. "You make a very compelling argument." He said sheathing his sword. "Very well I shall accept your offer, but if you even think about selling me out to Cemetery Wind—"

"You have my word that I will do nothing of the sort. Believe me I want to avoid them as much as you do."

Before he could ask her what she meant, the woman had taken Drift's metal digit* into her own small, soft hand. "Follow me, my home isn't too far away from here."

Keeping one servo* pressed on his side, Drift allowed the woman to guide him to her homestead which could only be described as small, surprising well furbished and cozy bungalow.

"Alright, let's see about treating your injuries shall we?" Said the woman already pulling out the necessary tools required for the repairs. "Now just lie down and try to relax while I do the best I can."

First she welded the huge hole in his side since it was the most fatal wound he sustained. Once that part was all taken care of, she then focused on removing the shrapnel that had gotten stuck in various places in his frame.

Finally after several hours of diligent work she wiped her hands on rag and said. "I'm afraid there's still a lot of repairs that need to be done yet, but at least the worst of the your injuries are taken care of."

Drift knelt down and looked at the auburn haired female. "Thank you miss—" he trailed off realizing that he never actually got her name.

The woman must have realized that too because she smacked herself on the forehead. "Oh! Where are my manners." She extended her hand toward him. "My name is Penelope Blythe."

Not wanting to accidentally crush her hand, he held out one of his digits for her to take. "My designation is Drift."

Wrapping her hand around his digit, Penelope graced him with small but friendly smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you Drift."

"The pleasure is all mine Miss Blythe."

As Drift looked into Penelope's dark brown eyes he saw shining within them a bit of sorrow mingled with a quiet strength. A type of strength that caused him to feel a strange unfamiliar feeling stir within his spark.*

Something he had never felt before.


Well whatever this feeling is, Drift was just grateful to find a human that just might be worth fighting for after all.

Little did Drift or Penelope know that fate would play a hand that would change their lives forever.

•••••••••••• (references down below) ••••••••

1*) optical ridge = eyebrow
2*) digit = finger
3*) servo = hand
4*) spark = heart

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