34. Hurt

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I woke up groaning with the headache and I looked only to find myself in a room I'm not even a tad bit familiar with. What's with me waking up in different rooms every day? 

I looked around the room, finding kids asleep in their crib, like always a smile made its way on my face, they're going to be one hell of attached siblings. After deciding on letting them sleep, I entered the ensuite, groaning again in pain as my body specially the lower half hurt with each step I took. Easing my bladder and brushing my teeth, I finally came to realize once again that I was in an unfamiliar room, I started freaking out and tiptoed my way out of the room. After finding stairs, I made my way down and into the room which looked like a living room, releasing a breath I had no idea I was holding after finding Haz, li and Z sitting on the couch, calmly on their phones. Now for sure we weren't kidnapped.

as soon as I took my seat in the couch, my headache which hadn't left me alone started to make itself stronger to get my attention, and trust I was giving my sole attention to it.

"Good morning" I croaked, wishing somehow I could detach my head from my body, but to my surprise I got no reply. Strange. As if nothing could go any more differently, I saw three girls walking down the stairs which once I had walked through in underwear and t-shirts. Wait I recognize that t-shirts, it's lads'. Must be someone they picked up from the bar, I didn't hate them, it was their work and i respected them for it. The respect for them vanished as quickly as I gave it to them when i saw the girl walking behind them in the same attire instead this time I could recognize both the girl and the t-shirt, it was Sun's. As they made their way towards me, all the guys head snapped up. having a new source to give their attention to smirking. WTF.

One after other girls made their way into lads' laps while Eleanor took a seat opposite to me. Now I understand the cold shoulder I received from guys, as if they all get entranced when they see Eleanor and not talk a single word to me.

"Where are we?" I questioned to guys in particular when my bestie sitting opposite to me rolled her eyes at me.

"In Florida. cherry" she snickered at me, as if i was dumb and it was A, B, Cs which even a toddler could recite.

"Eleanor" I nodded at her, acknowledging her, grimacing. Even her name leaves a bad taste on my tongue.

"Morning" Sun kissed my forehead, making me smile but it soon vanished when his eyes widened and slightly pushed me making his way to his girl, ELEANOR. This bitchhhh.

Soon enough my girls joined along with Ni and Joe, all wishing me good morning and acknowledging me with hugs. Something's up, why the hugs suddenly?

"So why are we here?" I got straight to the point but my people- who were not showing me attitude and actually being courteous to me, shrugged at my question while the others were busy sucking the faces of the girls seated in their lap.

"Let's go to the beach" Eleanor shrieked from her position, happily. I can't handle this much fakeness at this hour, at least let it be 12 in the afternoon. I stood up with my people following me, as i made my way to the kitchen and sat down on the stool beside the counter, groaning in pain and irritation.

"Here take this, you were quite drunk last night." Sel handed me a glass of lemonade, a tinch of hurt present in her eyes and I made a wild guess on the reason being Z, actually Zayn.

"Why did you even let me drink?" I whined, downing the glass in one go and with a blink of an eye, I felt the deeds of last night coming in front my eyes, flushing my cheeks. what in the hell did you do last night Cherry Elliott, you let him finger fuck you?! and no I couldn't blame him because we both were equally drunk and out of our senses and as if didn't enjoy.

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