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I hate flying on morning flights but with such short notice, this had to be done. I rested my head back on the seat once I confirmed that my two little bundles of joy were soundly asleep, unlike me.

"I'm going to sleep babe and I think you should too instead of reading, don't think I haven't caught you. Goodnight." anz put her eye mask on her eyes and dozed off. I had two options either to stay awake these whole agonizing 8 hours happily reading or sleep and I chose the first option ofcourse. The book is so damn interesting, I know i'll not be able to sleep knowing I can read it.


"Thank goodness we finally landed." anz got up and stretched. Honestly I wanted to do it too, after 8 hours of continuously reading wattpad and I did, kids were still asleep on the couch, protected with pillows around them. Just as the we were collecting our stuff, we heard thundering footsteps and hollering. Both me and anz turned towards the entrance of the plane, placing our hands on our hips and glaring at the five year olds who I missed immensely. Noah and Henry already deboarded the plane before none other than oned boys made a noisy appearance. 

They froze as mine and anz eyes bore into them, their light bulbs switched on when they saw the sleeping beauties on the couch. Harry and Zayn picked up the kids giving them feathery kisses on their face making my heart melt. They're surely going to get spoiled by their uncles. I felt a hand on my throat, turning me towards the person and kissing me roughly. I didn't need to open my eyes or know who the person was, the hand and the lips all too familiar. After a quick reunion we headed back to the hotel lads were staying but not before me inhaling a content breath in, feeling new york city.

We were here for the awards being held tonight, meanwhile selena and taylor were going to reach here a few hours from now as they had some recordings. They too have to attend tonight's award function but they also have to attend THE MET GALA day after tomorrow. Lads and anz and I would depart our ways tomorrow evening, them continuing their tour and us our studies.

Once we reached the hotel, everyone got to their rooms, anz was in Niall's room and me and kids were in Louis' room. I freshened up and got ready for the day. My mum often told me about a cafe in this big hotel where she always used to go- "Turner's", as they had the best coffee according to her, and she sat on this one particular table everytime. She mentioned it was the third left table near the widows and strangely enough we were at the hotel she mentioned. I dried my hair and got out when I saw sun sleeping soudly with big doe eyed hyper kids on his chest. I smiled and picked up the kids. getting them dressed for the day and then we trio made our way to the best coffee shutting the door behind us.

Thankfully the table which I aimed for was empty and I made my way over there. I gave the order to the polite barista and waited for my coffee. It was almost 20 mins, I was playing with kids pointing them various new things which caught their attention on the street as they were sipping their milk and I was sipping my coffee, trying to feed them a peice of cake when I felt a presence near me. I turned my head to see an elderly lady standing at our table.

"Would you mind if I sit down?" she asked. I nodded politely.

"they're yours?" she asked again and I nodded again. After being silent for good 2 minutes I thought I'd start a conversation, it was rude on my part that she sat here and I'm not talking.

"My mum loved the coffee here, she said it's one of the best and I agree." I started.

"Oh well I'm happy to hear that, jerry did you hear that, she loves our coffee." she called to an older man, whom I presume was her husband but he looked rich, in suit-pant.

"I'm glad to hear that too, took a lot of time to built this cafe and hotel." the husband too came and sat down at the table. "well I'm jerry turner, owner of this place and husband of my beautiful lady." He bent towards the lady and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

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