5. Vulnerable

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"Good Morning Cherry" Martha said entering in the room.

"Good Morning Martha" I said with a big smile.

Well you see I was shifted from the other hospital to the hospital near my house 2 days ago and since I get hospitalized almost every year the staff knows me very well so that's how we know each other's name.

"How are you doing dear? you removed your IV (Intra cath)?" (I've put a picture on the side just in case you call it something else) She was as shocked as me when I first saw my hand in the morning and my cheeks flushed. I seriously don't know how but last night, I removed my IV and now she'll have to put it again. After all these years of getting so many IV's I still cry like a baby and one thing you should know I'm an ugly crier. So every time when they put IV since I was a kid, mumma and papa used to be here, but since they are not here mum is the one who calms me down.

"I'm good actually wonderful. I'm so excited for my discharge. Oh that reminds me how much is the bill?" I asked.

"I'll find out and let you know, how's that? so you're going to wait for maura?" she questioned and I nodded. I actually banned greg and denise from hospital because denise is pregnant and greg should take care of her so it's mum and the boys who visit me but I'm not sure if mum's gonna come today, I actually asked her not to come and go to the sonography of denise with greg and denise of course.

"oh martha and also can you bring the bill a bit early, before anybody comes?" I said and she nodded. 

After a while she brought the card machine and the bill, I swiped my card and payed the bill.

"You know what you can actually bring the IV, mum's not gonna come today." I said getting nervous, I really don't like IV.

"Are you sure dear? I've no problem in waiting." she asked knowing all well I will not be able to do it alone, but I have to put my big girl pants on and do it. It's now or never.

"Yeah, I'm sure I'm ready." I took a deep breath and replied smiling.

"Ok then I'll be back with the IV and the equipment." She informed and with that she left the room.

"let's get done with it, I know how much you don't like it." She tried to motivate me while entering the room. She set the equipment on the trolley/side table and was going to sit on the chair when the door flew open.

"I hope we aren't late. " Z said trying to catch his breath with the others, doris in lou's arms and ernie in haz's.

"I told you hundred times to get up and get ready, because of you we are late. Come on man." Li scolded and sighed.

"Hey don't bl-" Z started but I had to interrupt them or this could have turned out into a mini argument session.

"Boys, BOYS, what are you late for?" I asked confused out of my life.

"Mum said we had to be with you while you get your IV put." Ni said and I got tensed. How did she even get to know that? I turned to Martha and she nodded, so that explains how she got to know.

"Oh no no, you don't need to stay here, you all can wait outside." I said nervously, lou raised his eyebrow questioningly, they don't need to see me cry, It'll be embarrassing. 

"Maura said you would say that and not to listen to you" Lou said bouncing doris in his arms.

"uh- oh OK but can you stand with your back towards me. And please don't question why" I pleaded, they gave me a strange look but thankfully obliged.

"Ok I going to put it." Martha started looking me in the eyes for confirmation, I nodded.

oh my effing god it hurts so much, I can't cry. I put my hand in my mouth and bit it. C hold your tears, you can do it, yes a little more, but no a sob had to escape my mouth.

HAPPIER THAN EVER L.T.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ