11. Anna and Joe?!

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As I was heading out of the alley, somebody squeezed my neck and pushed me to the wall. What the hell? I was going to punch the person but suddenly light lit up their face. There were around 4-5 girls. 

"How dare you come near our boys?" one of the girls slapped me and her ring scrached through my skin making me bleed. As soon as they said 'boys' there was no doubt that they were talking about oned boys. I controlled my anger and decided against punching them because they were boys' fans and I understood they were jealous.

"You bitch." the girl who was clasping my neck now pulled onto my hair. If only they were not boys' fan, they wouldn't be able to do it.

"Bloody gold digger." some girl kicked my shin and I fell on the ground.

"You slut, stay away from the boys." they kicked me in the stomach. I slowly tried to get up.

"Fat ass bitch, do you even see your face, ugly asshole." they kicked me in leg and stomach numerous times. I stood back upright this time.

"We all know where you got twins from, just spread your legs wide open infront of any rich guy and get money. Motherfucking prostitutes." the girl was going to hit me but this time I slapped her and the girl again pulled onto my hair. 

I slapped her not because she disrespected me and twins but also because the way she used prostitute was as if like she was using a curse word. I know how some prostitutes are but you can't disrespect them all just because of few, you don't know maybe they have financial and family issues so they had no other choice but to become a prostitute.

"Don't even utter a single word about my kids." I spoke through my teeth and struggled, as to how hard she was pulling my hair.

"Aww you felt bad, isn't this what you're mother taught you to be" she laughed and I was going to kill her when a girl entered the alley.

"Leave her alone or I'll show this video to the cops." the girl played the video. The bitches quickly ran away. And I fell on the ground. Holy shit my leg, stomach and back hurts.

"Are you alright?" the girl who saved me asked, kneeling down beside me and I nodded.

"Thank you so much." I smiled through my pain.

"No need to, those girls are a shame to this fandom." she inspected my head.

"This fandom?" I asked, she also likes the boys? duh who doesn't like the boys.

"Yup but even the boys would have never appreciated this type of behaviour." she started looking for something in her bag.

"Found it." she exclaimed as she took out some bandades and put it on my cheek.

"How do you know all this?" I pointed to the bandade.

"As an aspiring medical student you got to keep all this in your bag." she winked and I laughed.

"Ok now let me look at your leg." she removed my boots and started to move my ankle.

"Aaahh." I yelped.

"Yup, you have a sprain in the ankle." she nodded inspecting my leg.

"I think so you should call one of the boys so they can drop you." she advised.

"But the boys will be really angry on their fans and they must be asleep also, I'll call someone else." I started dialling paul.

"C you called at this time, is everything fine?" he picked up the call and I expected this question because it was midnight.

"Uh yeah just can you please drop me back home." I hesitated.

"You're not home?! I'll come pick you up, where are you?" he replied. I told him the address and we were going to end the call before I started speaking again.

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