29. want

23 1 0

warning: may include explicit scenes and language, read it at your own will.


"you scared luv? come here." sun picked me up and set me on his lap sideways, my head resting on his left shoulder. I nuzzled my face into his neck, his cologne somewhat calmed me down. Another thunderous lighting and I fisted his shirt, tightly squeezing my eyes shut.

"It's alright bubs, I'm here. You want me to stop driving?" he rubbed my back and I hummed in agreement. After a while the car came to a stop. He wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on mine.

"You're fine bubs, We're fine." He whispered, rain and wind growing louder by every second.

"Distract me please." I whimpered and he turned on the radio which was playing some song but that wasn't enough to keep my brain from not thinking something bad. I pulled away from the cuddling position we were in and kissed him. The kiss turned deeper and rougher, sucking lips and tongues fighting for dominance. I was straddling sun and as he kissed me deep I pushed my hips down and gasped at the wonderful sensation I got between my legs as sun grunted. 

I slowly started moving my hips in circular motion, wanting more and more of the feeling and without realizing the once slow motion was now in a faster pace, making me throw my head back, being breathless from kissing louis and he took it as his opportunity to work on my throat and neck.

"Louis" I sighed as he stopped me from moving anymore, gripping on my waist. He touched my cheek and I leaned into his hand looking in his eyes. They were always the mesmerizing ocean blue. His eyes were an ocean- blue as the ocean, deep as the ocean, calming as the ocean and I could also drown in them without fail. I am drowning in them. I'm drowning in him.

"I want you." I whispered.

"You already have me bubs." he whispered back, rubbing his thumb on my cheek.

"I want you." I repeated and watched as his pupils dilated. The ocean blue eyes turned into navy with a tinch of black, almost like a midnight sky. 

"are you sure?"

"very." I replied, turning up the volume of the radio higher and kissing him.

We kissed and kissed until we were breathless. He kissed me at the corner of my mouth, then my jaw, the sweet spot under my ear, the arch of my neck and shoulder and finally marked me there.

"Have you ever been touched before?" he mumbled in my neck, and I shook my head.

"I need words babe." his hand unclawed the zipper of my dress.

"No." I swallowed. 

"No what?" his hands trailed up my back to my shoulders.

"No, I haven't been touched before." I completed the sentence, and he flicked the straps of dress off my shoulders. The dress fell in our lap exposing my chest, and sun stared at it with starry eyes.

"You are beautiful, so beautiful." He kissed me before going back to my collarbone.

"Have you ever touched yourself?" he wetly kissed my cleavage.

"No." I gasped as his mouth made contact with my hardened nipple but then it stopped. for fuck's sake answer in goddamn sentences cherry.

"No I haven't touched myself." I replied. He hummed and bit my nipple, sending vibrations of pain and pleasure through me, making me breathless.

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