The Angel

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Author POV

In the night that's full of darkness, simply illuminated by the outdoor lights. Melissa been cornered by five girls in a narrow alley, she looks very nervous with this girls and they really know she felt that way.

"We know that you still scared of us, Melissa... You can't hide it, believe me." A blonde hair girl in a ponytail, smirked devilish at her.

"What you guys want?" She asked in a low voice.

Melissa is not being her self like she used to, where's her arrogant self right now? Her head is always up with her sharp bravery stare and her straight back show's only flawless at her.

But now?

180° different from her usual personal self in the University. She puts her head down with her scared eyes without staring at any of the girls here and her hunched back really shows her flaw so much here.

"You know what we want from you, dear..." The same girl answered her question, calm but she felt her body shivers cause of her dark tone between her calm voice.

"Didn't I already give it to you guys a week ago?" Suddenly they laughed really hard like crazy.

"That's a week ago you dumbass!" Someone with a short black hair hits her forehead hard, Melissa immediately rubs it.

"B-but." Her low voice started to shakes.

"Ooh, since when you have this courage huh?!" The same person slaps her and Melissa's tears start to comes out from her eyes

"I-I'm n-not, I wouldn't dare." Her voice gets more lower than before and shakes harder.

The blonde hair girl in a ponytail, give her friend a signal to move backwards and she obeys her.

"Listen, if you don't want us to do the hard way... Just give us the money, simple right?" She said.

"How much?" Melissa asked.

"Don't worry, the digit is not big... Just 329." How surprised she was hearing the digits from her, Melissa's eyes opens very wide and accidentally stare at this girl.

"329 dollars?!" She immediately closed her mouth with her hands and said stupid in her mind.

"What? You can't give it?" She nods in hesitation.

"YOU TRASH OF A BITCH!" The short black hair shouted in madness, when she tried to slap her the blonde hair girl fend it off.

"Patient girl... Take it easy..." And she obeys her immediately.

"Please... I can't give you guys that much money, the last time when I give you guys 100 dollars... My mother already asked to me, what's the money for. I'll give you guys 52 as usual ok?"

"Pffft, 50?" Suddenly the blonde hair go closer to her and whispered. "Give us the money... Or... You know what we will do to you, right?" Melissa immediately nods. "So... Give it to us, so that thing won't happen to you."

"Let's negotiate this... I swear to you and everyone here... I can't give that much money to you all. Please..." Her patient is off limits now and slapped Melissa till she falls to the ground.

"You guys know what to do right?" The girls smiled devilish and get ready to give Melissa the pain that she'll never forget, like the other pain that they gave long ago.

Before they can do that...


"The fuzz! They're here!" One of them cried panicked.

My Ice Cold Boyfriend حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن