What's Wrong With Mario?

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It's been 9 days I'm being his girlfriend. I never rebel anything, I always obey his words so I won't get something that I don't want. To be honest, this 9 days I only following him lunch, study, play basketball with his friends, and mostly when he reads in library I always there to accompany him.

He never do anything that's out of the line to me. Don't say that I forget what he did to me last time. It's just, if I obey everything that he asked me to do... He won't do anything like last days and every demand that he asked me to do... Never crossed any lines at all, so I can say I feel a little comfort with him.

Aaaa finally... I've finished my script!

I'm at the library for finding peace here, cause I really need to work on this script with peacefully and no one can't bother me at all.

I don't see Jade around for this day's or even Teresa, aaaa this is because of Tristan. I don't have time for them now, plus... Class are getting tougher than I thought, so busy for this day's.

"Hey puppy." I see Ben waving at me and seat beside me. "How are you?" He takes a laptop out from his bag, puts it and opens it.

"How many times do I have to tell you. Don't call me puppy!" He chuckled.

"And how many times do I have to tell you that your really cute like a little puppy who needs a pat pat from someone." I pursed my lips as long as possible, he chuckled again and pinched my cheek in exasperation. "Aaa don't pinch me." He let's go of my cheek.

"It's your fault that your being so adorable like this. No one can resist your cuteness puppy."I pursed my lips even more.

"Up to you then." I tidied up my stuff and double check my script just to make sure there's nothing wrong or something missing in it.

"Aaa everyone is getting busy right?" He turned on his laptop and start to work on his thing.

"Mhmm." I still double checking my work to make sure everything is perfect. "How's Tristan by the way?"

"Hmm?" He looked at me with a little surprised.

I even surprised with myself. Why I suddenly asked about him? This is not just like me.

"You missed him puppy?" He showed his naughty smirk at me.

"Eee I eee I just eee-."

"If you missed him... Call him puppy." He gives me a wink.

"Ee n no I'm n not." I felt my cheeks getting to heat up.

"It's ok if you missed him puppy. Don't be shy." He make his eyebrows goes up and down with his naughty smirk. I immediately shook my head but he still doing it, he really knows how to make me feel embarrassed.

"Aaa I just asked! It doesn't mean I missed him!" He lifted his shoulders as a don't care sign. "Aaa I'm out! See ya soon." I can hear his still teasing me but I ignore him and runaway.

Aaaa why I asked that?! I'm so embarrassed right now!

"Huh! Is she teasing Ben Carson now?! She's really a nasty bitch." I know who talks like that, I even don't need to look first to know.

"Is she heard what you said? Why she's standing there? Is she a new statue here?" It's her friend who said that and they all chuckled.

I prefer to ignore them than to respond there childish thing. "Haha you scared bitch?" There she is... That girl now is infront of me with a smirk on her face, while her two friends are now behind me trapped me so I can't go anywhere.

"What you want Melissa?" Since I be his girlfriend, she always bothering me around tirelessly. No wonder he needs a fake relationship with me, it's because of Melissa is way to obsessed.

"What I want?!" She's really in a arrogant face and behavior. "You already took it from me bitch." She pushed my chest with her index finger.

"You mean Tristan?" I'm still in my normal face while she's now in a mad face right now.

"What are you trying to do bitch?!" Vanessa pulls my shirt and our eyes are meeting each other.

How I know her name? Cause when our first meet and there first day bothers me everyday, they introduce there names to me. Vanessa, Elena, and don't forget the number one antagonist here... Melissa.

"What? Am I... Said something wrong?" I put my smirk on her and I can see she's getting irritated with my behavior.

"You bi-."

"What you guys doing here?" A voice of a man just stopped them. I don't know who's voice is this? When he come closer to us... Mario? "Let her go. And I'll not tell anyone about this."

"Jeez." Vanessa let's go of her grip and stare at me with her killing gaze.

That's not going to scared me duh!

"I wonder... Why she always closed to boys like you... Do you know she's a bitch?" Melissa look at Mario with a naughty face filled with curiosity and lifted her shoulders with her two hands follows, parallel to her shoulders that lifted.

" She's not a bitch. I'll answer your question, cause she has a pure heart. While you... I can see your rotten heart so clear here." That naughty face of her's becomes a mad face for just a second.

"How dare you talk to her li-."

"Shut it Elena!" She shut her mouth immediately. "Sigh your really rude to a woman like me..."

"So?" She just shook her head.

"I'll deal with you later bitch." She stared at me with a same gaze as Vanessa's. "Let's go." Melissa goes first and her two friends followed her immediately, they didn't forget to black mail me first with there gaze before going leaving me and Mario.

"Thank you Mario..." He showed his smile and pat's my head slowly.

"You okay little girl?" I just nod and give him my smile.

"Sigh are they always do this to you?"


"Sigh so this is what you get from dating with that guy?"

"Hehe" he shook his head.

"You shouldn't be with him and be with me." Suddenly he closed his mouth with his one hand.

"Hmm? What you mean?" I don't know why he said that.

"Aaa hahahaha I mean be with someone like me that's not too popular no no someone that's not just like Tristan the popular guy here hahaha I mean just like that!" His reaction are too over for me. "Eeeee I have to go eeee college stuffs haha. See ya!" He runs fast as a cheetah.

Eeeee what just happened?

What's wrong with Mario?

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