Who Wins Now Huh?

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Today, I went to university with my bestie Jade. Last night, I received some messages from Lee. Well the point is, they can't took me to university like usual cause they got something to do and that includes Tristan.

I don't know what they do and I don't really care about it. What I think about was... Finally, I'm on my way to university with my bestie again. It's been a while we're not spending our time together like this.

I really missed her.

"Hehe I'm jealous with you." She pursed her lips and looked at me with her big round and light brown eyes.

We're already at the university, we make a small paths with our feet's so we can make time more slower for both of us to chat.

"Jealous about?" I lifted an eyebrow as for confusion.

"Jealous of your love life duh..." She rolled her eyes and I just chuckled to see her.

I suddenly hugged her waist and my mouth now is near her ear. "If you jealous with me... Call your bun bun to come and comforting you right now." Don't forget I give her a wink and I managed to make her face turns red as fresh tomato in the market.

"I... Don't want to bother him." She smiled slightly to me and I can hear her sad tone when she said that.

Dante... It's her boyfriend name. I forget what's his full name is, but what I remember was. When we're in high school, Dante is the star there. His grades not to high but his still not stupid, different with Jade and her high grades that day.

But, what makes him the big star in our school that day is... His totally handsome. I can't forget his long blonde silver hair (but not too long like girls) with his pair dark blue eyes, it really matches. Not just that, his a talented kid. Dante is very good at all sports and he managed to gave us gold medals for swimming, football, tennis, basketball, and many other sports. He really has a good stamina and energy, everyone or every girls called him superman for this reason.

I'm quite surprised when Dante and Jade becomes a couple, you guys know why I'm using 'quiet' word in the sentence? Cause... One day, Dante came to me and asked me to help him about Jade.

Cause yeah... I'm her best friend.

At first I'm hesitate with Dante for one reason, I'm afraid that his a playboy and someday he'll hurt Jade. I really don't want to see her cry because of a boy, cause I think it's just a waste of time and feelings.

Until, he broughts me to his house and managed to break my hesitation just in few seconds. You know why? Cause his house full of girls walking around here, the girls were his sister's. He is of five siblings and his the little one from four big sister's.

His sister's the one who explained everything and Dante didn't speak even just for a word. So I decided to help him and it really goes well until now.

I'm patting her back softly and I give her my smile. "Don't worry... He'll come someday." I said try to comfort my best friend and she gives me a smile.

"Well well, look who's here?" An arrogant voice disturbing our quality time, we turned around and finding this three figures again. For a quiet long time they with bravery showed up again.

"You guys again?" Jade now is infront of me, protecting me from them. "What again?" Melissa answered with just a smirk.

"Sigh... Why you always protect this bitch huh?" She asked arrogantly.

"Bitch?! Huh?! Take a big mirror and put it in your room would you minor?!" Jade is getting irritated, I grabbed her hand and try to calm her down.

"Minor?! Me?! Huh!" Tossing her long brown hair back in dramatic way. "I'll show you her true face from her ugly mask that she always used. Vanessa!"

Hmm? What she meant by mask I used?

Because of her action, everyone now is looking at us curiously. Especially when Vanessa's now between us bringing her iPad at her hand.

Oh no, I have a bad feeling about this.

"Fist your eyes for the moment of truth!" Vanessa screamed to all of us here, she suddenly looked at me and give me an evil smirk?

She tap's her iPad and tries to play something, after that she showed something from her iPad to us with proud. Everyone looks curious and looked at her iPad carefully so they won't missed anything. When we all focused to the iPad, what we saw was...


Everyone in here looks disappointed and whispered to each other. Melissa feel there's something wrong and decide to see the iPad is all black.

"What?!" She takes the iPad roughly from Vanessa's hands and tap's the iPad. I think they gonna show us something about me, but all what we saw was... Empty.

Elena comes to Melissa and she looks surprised when she sees the iPad. Elana give an eye code to Vanessa and focused to the iPad again.

Jade looks at me and so do I, she's saying "what happened?" Without a voice. I just lifted my shoulders to reply her.

Vanessa all the sudden walks towards Jade and me, she looks very mad right now.

"Sneaky bastard! You did that?!" She pointing her index finger to the iPad.

"Do what?!" I'm braving myself to speak.

"Don't pretend to not knowing this bitch! You send a virus to that video of yours!" Her face turns red.

Video? What video?

"Hahaha! We're so fucking wrong! We're too underestimate this bitch." Melissa stared at me with a dark gaze.

"What you guys talking about?! I really don't get this shit!" I'm frustrated.

"We saw you make something dirty with a man!" Elena spoke up and makes me shocked.

So... What they meant was... That tragedy? But, only me and Tristan knows what happened. How they can know about it?

"Hey bastard! Do you have proof?! If you don't have it, don't throw your piece of shit from your big fucking mouth!" Jade's getting irritated and uncontrolled with her words.

"We have! But she ruined it!" Elena pointing the iPad and looked mad.

"Huh! What a baloney." Jade rolled her eyes and Elena is getting irritated with her action.

"No, we still have one more proof." Suddenly Melissa smirk and looks at me.

I don't know why, but I'm getting scared. Melissa walk towards me and it makes everyone here getting more curious what just happened.

Oh no, if she opened this scarf...

I'm so dead right now!

Jade grabs her wrist tight and give Melissa a deadly stare. "What do you want to do now huh?"

Melissa give her a smirk and replies "you'll see." She let's go of her grip and now she's infront of me with her arrogant smile.

"You guys want proof?! I'll give it now!" When she managed to opened my scarf, she's getting more surprised seeing my white and clean neck. "Impossible!" She looked at me with her unbelieve big stare to me.

I smirk in my heart.

Who wins now huh?

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