The Card Game

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Riiiiing! Riiiiing!
Bell is ringing, and that means to go home Yippee! I pack all of my stuffs to this bag pack of mine and get ready, after we already greet our lecture I carry my bag pack and ready to leave.

"Ally!" A girl that I know from this class for a week, call's me.

"Yes Teresa?" She's show me her smile and I also do the same to her.

"I'm bored... I don't have anything to do today... Even we don't have any homework to do... I think I'm gonna die... Save me Ally..." She hug my left hand and showing her suffer and dramatic face, well I'm just chuckle seeing her like this.

"Mhmm me too. What about... Let's have fun in cafe? I know a perfect cafe for us. Cause it's cheap and comfort place to chat. What you say?" I give her a suggestion.

"Oh that's fantastic! Let's go there!" She replies with excitement, I'm glad if she likes it. After we agree that, were moving out from class and start to walk at a time we still discussing about the lessons that lecture gave to us.

Teresa, were on the same class and that is art class. Well that day, she's not seating beside me or even we don't interested at each other.

But after Jade is really busy with her class, of course cause it's doctor class I'm sure she's really in a headache like there's a tornado in her brain. Caused me to be lonely for 5 days, and good thing that not last long cause I got Teresa.

Well we start to talk with each other cause our painting are the best in class, she saw my painting and give a compliment to it as for me I do the same thing as well. Getting intense talking to each other, discussed everything together, day by day were getting closer and closer. Boom! We became friends now, thanks god!

"Ally!" Jade run towards me with a mad face.

"Jade what happened?" I really don't know what happened and by the way...

Jade and Teresa already meet each other so... Nothing to be worried about. You guys know what I mean right?

"Ally... You need to help me! Go to auditorium now!" She grab my right hand and tries to pull it.

"Eeeee me? Now? What for? Did someone hurt you or something?" I asked her with worried.

"Jade tell it to your lecture or... Tell to the chancellor... That's more helpful." Teresa is getting worried too, cause Jade's face are really red like fresh tomatoes in a market right now.

"Ahhh we don't need them! I just need Ally for this situation!" She tried to pull my hand again.

"Why me?" I asked with confusion, man what happened sis just tell me.

"Ahhh you two are coming with me!" She pull our hands and walks to the auditorium, I really don't know what happened but I swear to God I'm gonna punch this someone to the moon if this someone hurt my best friend.


"So this is the situation you talking about?" I look at her with my sharp eyes.

"Yes it is." She just showing her usual face, and to be honest what I see about her face now is a totally dumb dumb. While Teresa is smiling awkwardly, I think she doesn't know what she have to do or say about this.
"Hey Jade! So this is your ace that your talking about?" A man with an arrogant face looks at me, like he was taking me for granted and not just him. All of his 3 friends that beside him, doing the same thing.

"Yes she is! And I swear to God she's going to defeat you Mario!" Wait is she just make me involve?

"She? Can defeat me?" He and his friends are laughing really hard right now, I don't why but I really wanna kick there assholes right now.

"Haha your a future doctor like us Jade, but you always lose this bet. I still can trust you but I swear right now the ace that you bring, I'm hesitate it." That Marco guy is showing his wicked smile.

"Your wrong Mario! She might didn't look convincing. But I swear, your gonna see it for your self! How incredible my ace is!" Why she's saying that with so much confidence? I'm in a trouble.

"Hahaha I don't know why you really believe this silly looking dummy ace of yours Jade?! But I'm still hesitate her. I'm gonna win really easy, like I'm saying ABC in my mouth." He and his friends are laughing more and more, ok that's it!

"Huh! Such big head's you guys have there! Hey dudes! I'll accept the bet! For my sis over here!" Oh no! I even don't know what's the bet is?! Stupid me! Stupid me! Why you can't control your anger huh?!

"Hahaha what a brave little girl we've got here. Ok! Let's play! But, if you lose... Go running to all rooms in this building like crazy people! Are you guys agree with me?!" His friends shouts agree and act euphoria, sigh boys.

"Ok! But if you lose... Treated the three of us to a meal at an expensive restaurant in the middle of town! You know what I mean right?!" When he heard that, he and his friends are laughing again like crazy.

"Haha I know I know don't worry... You do really are brave. Ok! Deal!" His showing his right hand to shake hands with me as a deal sign.

I look at Jade and Teresa for a 'wish me luck' code, then I shake his hands as a deal.

"Now tell me what's the bet?!" I asked them in a serious tone.

"Card game baby." Replied him with a smirk.

Aaaa so that's why Jade involving me with this situation, pffft you really do know your best friend Jade.

I admit I'm dumb at math and history lesson, oh almost forgot I'm bad at sport too. But I really do good at drawing and make something beautiful, and my hidden talent that anyone doesn't know yet is... Playing cards.

Hehe beware gentle man! Cause you about to feast your eyes how amazing and spectacular the queen of card's play!

You want a tough opponent huh?! Well you've got what you want! Let's play my friend!

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