Stupid Ally

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Tristan POV

She stare at me innocently again and I answered her stare with my smirk.

"Your being a bad kitten now... I'm not finish with you yet..." I whispered to her ear and bite it. I can feel her body shivered and makes me more excited about it. I sniffed her neck and kissed it. "What have you done to me, hmm?"


"Keep calling my name Ally, I love the way you call me." I bite her neck and makes her moan softly.

I already knew from my first touch that day,  her neck is her very sweet spot. She'll be easily moan and feel attached with all the touches that I made.

My lips and tongue still busy with her neck while one of my hand, rubs her back up and down.

"Mhmm~." I can feel her hands are wrapped around my neck and that makes me even more happier.

I could tell she's enjoying every touch that I gave for her and sometimes takes the lead when we're kissing. I decide to lean her without breaking our kiss, I'm now on top of her still kissing her with passion. My tongue easily plays inside her mouth and she really follows my rhythm very well.

We broke the kiss, I looked at her gloomy puppy eyes and her face starting to get red. She cover's her face with her hands and makes me chuckled for it.

"Why you closed your face baby? You feel embarrassed?" She nods.

"I... Feel... So messed up." She said in a low voice while shook her head.

"Don't be, you look very beautiful baby."

"I'm not a baby, you know that." She said while still covering her face.

"What? I can't hear you baby. Your hands are covering your voice as well." She immediately stop covering her face and now I can see her cute innocent face again.

"I said... I'm not a baby." She pursed her lips and I immediately pinched her cheek.

"You're my baby girl for now on." I grabbed her hands and put it on top of her head so she won't covering her face again.

"But-, mhmm." Our lips meet with each other, one of my hand starting to rub her belly softly.

Once I'm satisfied with her lips, I start to moving down to her neck that already has some of my red marks.
Continue to her collarbones and start to suck it. She moaned and called my name with her cute voice.

My hand from her belly, moving down to her thigh rubbing it gently up and down.

"Tristan~." I can feel her body shivered cause of my touches, till suddenly I didn't hear and feel anything from her again.

I looked at her and finding her asleep peacefully. I smiled and rub her cheek gently.

"What a cutie you are... I won't let you leave from my side." And I ending it with a kiss on her forehead.


Ally POV

It's morning I guess... My eyes are slowly opened and starting to consuming the light that came from the window. I rolled myself right and left.

Aggggh too lazy to do anything!

I rolled my eyes, staring at the ceiling and everything that's in this room. I suddenly stopped looking around, cause I starting to realizing something.

Am I still dreaming?

Or my room is been renovated?

Why it's a little bigger than usual and very different?

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