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Tristan POV

"Oh come on brother!" Me and my friends are playing the nine ball pool, while talking about something that makes me bored with it. "Till when you have to ignore her!" I just focus on the game, without looking at Lee that's being fussy.

"Well... Lee got the point." Ben hits the ball with his stick, but failed to enter even just for a one ball. "It's been 10 days Tristan, you should melt that ice heart of yours even just for a little."


I just give what she wants, you guys don't know about it.

It's my turn to hit the ball and I managed to make three balls entering the hole at the same time. Two balls left, I start to focusing on this two balls that which is quite far from each other. But, when I looked the locations over and over again.

I win again.

And right, I hit the ball and manage to entering the two balls in the hole at the same time. But, it doesn't make me happy for it.

I feel...


"Hey Tristan! You listening or not?!" Lee keeps being his chatty self, while Ben now is on his side. Tried to make me back with Short, or should I say back in a normal situation with her like we used to.

I tried to be normal when that thing happened, but. I don't know why, that Mexican guy is telling me something that I don't know about her. And that really makes me think that his right.

So all this time, she just obeying everything that I asked just because of that fucking agreement!


About everything that we do...

Were it all just a fake?

Even her presence it's all just a fake?


I'm starting to overthinking again and being nuts about this thing again.

I admit it, I was the first person who said this is all just a fake relationship. I was the one who said that I'm looking for quietness in this university from the girls. And maybe I little forced her to do as I say immediately without any excuses.

But, 4 months more I'm on her side. Apart from what I think, that she's Ally that I looking for all this years. She's very different from the girls that I meet, even... Linda.

I tried to make this relationship real, but is she really didn't feel any difference? Between our relationship before and now? Or... I didn't show it
That clearly to her?

"Bro, you don't want her anymore?" From all of there chats, this kind of question makes me stare at Ben with my usual cold gaze.

"You guys don't know anything." I said, try to make my voice normal.

"So tell us what we don't know brother? Ally always asking if she's being wrong to you or something that makes you mad with her. You can do this to other girls Tristan, but I afraid that I can't make you doing this to Ally." I can Lee is getting irritated with me and I just sip my whiskey without answering anything to him.

Till my phone rings and makes me to grab it.


This is the first time she's calling me, I quite surprised to see this and unexpectedly smiled a little.

"Who's calling?" Ben asked, while Lee looks curious about it.

I lifted my hand and decided to leave the room. I answered her call and not for me to wait just for a second. I can hear her voice so loud till I immediately moved my phone away from my ear, is she just said...

My Ice Cold Boyfriend Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant