I Hate You

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"I don't like repeating myself Ally." He called my name and I decide to open my eyes hesitate. His sharp brown eyes meets mine, our face are so close till his breath warming up my face softly.


I'm scared... That memory somehow just pass out on my mind.

The memory... that guy gave to me.

"Tristan." I try to pushed his chest, but it don't work. His big figure really traps me here, it makes me uncomfortable.

What's he going to do with me?

What he wants now?

Is he really gonna do something "bad" to me, like Mario said?

And many other questions that buzzing around in my mind now.

"You don't want to talk about that Mexican guy?" I'm a little shocked when he asked this and to be honest I don't know what to explain to him. Except...

"Like Mario said, we're just eating ice cream. That's all." But I think my answer is not enough for him.

"And... Why him?" Should I answer this?! I can eat ice cream with anyone that I want! Even with a guy like Mario! Why I feel his getting possessive?! Is he forget about his own agreement?! I guess I need to remind him.

"Tristan, why you asked this? I feel that... I can do anything that I want with anyone that I want. Don't you remember? I'm just your fake girlfriend." I can't see anything from his face, I can't tell how he thinks now. His flat face, really confusing me.

"I just want to asked, why? Is it wrong?" He never let's go of my chin, so I won't look away.

"I don't know Tristan, but... I'm getting this fake relationship is getting real."


Tristan POV

I'm very tired for today. Even though, there's a driver that always takes me from places to places. But still, it's so fucking tired! Plus... That happened.

"You home my dear..." This familiar soft voice makes me boosted for some reason.

"Yes mother." I hugged her and smelled her sweet perfume close. Her warm smile really boost my energy, but. Somehow, she reminds me with her.

"Are you ok?" She pats my head softly, I closed my eyes and enjoying her touch.

"I'm fine." I kissed her hand and don't forget to smile at her.

"My son... I'm proud of you, everyday... Every hour... Every minute... And every second of your life." She really knows how to make me feel precious. "Do you want to eat my dear?" I shook my head.

"I'm full, so I just need to sleep now." She smiled and pat's my head once more.

I went to my room, untied this tie from my neck, open two buttons on my shirt, put off my suit, and finally throwing myself on the sofa. I closed my eyes and her voice "I don't know Tristan, but... I'm getting this fake relationship is getting real." Started to haunting me.

To be honest... I'm still expecting that... She's Ally from my past. Months we're in this relationship, somehow... I can feel she's really the little girl that I looking for, but on the other side. I feel she's not being her own self when she's with me, at that park... Why she can laughed and joking that easily with someone other than me?

I admit it, I got jealous. And I also feel this to my own friends. I don't get it, she can smile that wide like a sunshine and laughed happily when they're both around her.

If you asked me, she just show her normal smile and obeys everything that I asked her to do. She never smile and laugh like when she's with Ben and Lee, or someone other than me.

But, every trouble that I've been through or every time that I feel stressed. When she's around, I feel more calm just like I'm seeing my mother. Sometimes when I'm very tired with everything, I just lay my head on her lap and closed my eyes with relax.

At the beginning, she's surprised with my action but after a while she's getting used to it and never complain again. And to be honest, she's the first girl that I lean on. She really manage to make me believe in her. She's very an innocent cute girl I have ever met, even mother think the same thing.

But... Why she can't do the same thing like I did? Am I really terrified her? I don't feel that I do something that makes her to fear me.

I'm jealous... I wanted that taste of summer from her smile and her sunny laugh.

Why she give it just for me? And why she have to say that?


I open my eyes and searching for a bottle of whiskey to drink, I pour it to a glass and drink it with just a sip.

Shit! It's still on my head! Traveling around me with no shame, how I can forget this for a while?

My emotions are getting bad.


Ally POV

I looked at the clock, hanging on my wall and feels like it watches my restless self. 1AM and for some reasons I'm still awake, rolling myself on the bed, watch something funny on my phone, jumping like nuts people, and until now... I still can't sleep.

Tristan... I know you helped me, but I'm gonna be honest...

I hate you!

Your very confusing!



And something more like that!

Bla bla bla!

I really don't get it with his mind!


Hmm... I grab my phone and look who's sending me a message in the middle of the night like this.

Sigh... Who else.

Saturday I'll pick you up 8AM

No buts.


I throw my phone somewhere on my bed, I hug my big teddy bear and rolling around on my bed again in frustration.

Tristan Winters!

What you going to do huh?!

I really don't understand with your head!

Your so... Unpredictable!

I hate you Tristan!

I hate you!

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