Till When?

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"Little one!" I turned around and find Mario was waving at me. I just smiled, he walks towards me and stopped in front of me.

"Good morning." He answered me with a good morning also.

"Sup?" He asked.

"Normal days." He just nodded. "You?"

"Nothing special yet." We decided to walk in the university while we still keep chatting and I laughed with his every jokes that he gave.

We're at the library for finishing our own works, I took out my sketchbook while Mario took out his laptop and some of his thick books next to his laptop. I looked at his books surprised and Mario noticed me and smile.

"Impressed, little one?" I nodded and that makes him chuckled cause of my actions.

"What's your homework is?" I asked, he opened his laptop and turn it on.

"I made a power point for my presentation, it's about humans vessels." He start to open one of his book and find the page that's already been marked by a sticker. I can see his book are filled by marker's that lines above the words on that page. I wonder if in other pages is marked like this page as well.

His already being focus with his work,  it's time for me to finish this sketch of mine. I opened my sketchbook and sharpened my pencil so it doesn't blunt when I use it.

"Who's that?" Suddenly Mario's face were closed enough to me just giving us a view inch space, he looked at my sketch and looks at me waiting for my answer. His brown light eyes meets mine and I feel something's wrong with his stare at me. I try to ignore my thoughts about his stare and answer his question normally.

"It's Jade, you can't recognize it?"
He shook his head and pointing at a guy that sitting next to Jade in this sketch. "Aaa it's Jade's boyfriend, Dante."

"Dante?" I nodded. "I thought her boyfriend is in Swiss." I nod again.

"His coming here for a holiday, I don't know when he'll be back to Swiss. But what I know now was, he has many time now and wanted to spend that time just for Jade." He nods and back to see my sketch.

"It looks incredible." He complies.

"Thanks." I answered and put my smile too.

After that reunion, 2 weeks later I really don't know what to draw for this work. Mr James only giving us 3 days to finish it and passed for a day I still don't know what to draw. 2 days that I have now and my sketchbook is getting thinner or I use another sketchbook for this work.

Every sketch that I finished doesn't make me satisfied at all, I can't feel anything about this sketches and decided to throw them all.

You guys must be saying that I'm a perfectionist type of person. But believe me, I'm not that type of person. It's Mr James who's the perfectionist, he really does. If he doesn't feel anything about our work we've done, he always teared it in front of our faces that includes me.

This is why I feel very frustrated right now, till this two people showed up in my room and tried to help me. And they really did helped me so well.

For being my model, hehe.

"It's already perfect for me, why you still working on it?" He asked, our position still the same but I try to ignoring all of my bad thoughts about him and answer him.

"It's not perfect yet, it needs more shading and sharpened the shapes so it will looks more realistic." He nods.

His eyes still staring at my eyes attached and suddenly I can feel my heart beats fast. His wavy short dark chocolate hair, his exotic face, his big light brown eyes, his curled eyelashes but still looks manly, his not too sharp nose, and his medium lips really perfects. I can see it very clearly, till can smelled his bold cologne well cause we're really that closed right now.

My Ice Cold Boyfriend Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant