Feel Free Again

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As usual, he just drop me off near my house. Everything went well, I'm a little glad for it. But, I really can't forget that promise with Miss Winters.

"You good?" A big hand just pinched my cheek gently, I looked at him and give my little smile. "You did well today." I just give him a nod and he release his pinch from my cheek. "Get some rest, you looked tired."

"Tristan?" He looked at me and I do the same. "Sorry, if I'm not understanding you all this time and for my bothering actions." He raised an eyebrow.

"What you mean?" I shook my head.

"Nothing." I can see his very confuse right now. "Well... Gotta go now. Good night." When I open the car door, he manage to grab my wrist and stopped me.

"Wait." I looked at him in confusion. "We're not done yet, close the door." I just obeyed him. "Tell me what really happened to you."

"Hmm? About what?" I asked.

"About you said yesterday." Ooh, about I've been bullied. He still remember about this?

"Oh that... You don't need to worry, I can take care of it."

"Don't lie short." He stared with his sharp gaze but not cold like usual.

"Eeeee I don't know..." I put my head down and he immediately grabbed my chin to look at him.

"Just tell me." I finally tell him everything that I've been through, he really listening to everything that I said and I don't know why I felt very relieved.


Aaaaa Monday again... Why time is so... Fast. As I remembered, I was meeting with Miss Winters that day. Then I talked with Tristan till a hour, I went home to get some sleep and... I forgot after that.

It all happened so fast...

Today, Tristan didn't pick me up like usual. Lee the one who do it, I like when his around me. Cause his very humble and hilarious man that I know, his really the opposite of Tristan.

"Are you happy that I'm the one who picked you up puppy?" He asked with his wide smile but he didn't look at me, cause his focus on driving.

"Why you two can't stop calling me puppy?" I asked with a mad face, but he didn't scared at me. He laughed and stroked my hair till it gets messy.

"Lee!" He let's go and laughed harder, while I tidying my hair. "This is the first time you picking me up, where's Tristan?"

"He have something to do puppy."

"What about Ben?"

"His with Tristan."


"We're here." He parked the car and we went in the university together. "I'm going ok." I grabbed his sleeve and he looked at me with confusion.

To be honest, when I near with one of them. No one dared to bother me around, that includes those three annoying girls. He released my grip from him and showing his warm smile to me.

"There's no need to worry about puppy, your find now trust us." After he said that, he walks away from me.

Trust us? What he means by that?

I walk to my class, hmm? Something's missing. But what? Aaaa I don't care. I'm in my class now, putting my bag and seat. Hmm? There is something wrong here... But I still don't know what. Or maybe it's just my thoughts only, I decide to do some sketch till the class starts.


"Ally..." Jade hugs me so tight, I can't breathe! I try to release myself but it failed. Someone help me!

"Jade. Your friend can't breathe." Irish, Jade's class mate stopped her action.

Finally... Oxygen! Thanks Irish!

"Haha am I too much?" You think?!

"Not much, but extremely much." She chuckled and give me her naughty smirk.

"Aaaa don't say that... I just missed you..." She pinched my cheeks hard.

"Hurts Jade! Hurts!" She let's go of my cheeks and laughed.

"You know... I'm jealous with you." She pursed her lips, while I raised an eyebrow.

"Jealous of?"

"Jealous of your romantic days with your boyfriend duh." She rolled her eyes and that makes me wanna tease her.

"Oh... Why you didn't call him hmm?" I can see her cheeks are getting red, this makes me more excited. "If you shy... I can call him for you." She shook her head immediately.

"Wait, Jade has a boyfriend?" I nod at Irish. "Who's her boyfriend Ally?"

"His a handsome one for sure, likes sports, games, and mostly are cooking." I replied.

"Wow... Why I never meet him?"

"Cause... His not taking his university here."

"So... They knowing each other from high school?" I nod. "Oh... Where is he now?"

"His in-."

"Why you're asking where he is? Are you interested to my boyfriend?" Oops... Did I do something wrong?

"I'm just curious... That's all." Irish raised her shoulders.

"I know what you mean... You can't fool me like others."

Oh ya I forgot! Irish... She's a play girl. Usually boys have two, three, or more girlfriends in his life. But now, even girls doing the same as well. And for the example is Irish over here. I heard that, she has not two, not three, not even four. She has five boyfriend in her life, I know it's sounds weird. But that's the fact.

"Chill Jade... Chill... I'm just asking. I'm not going to add my collections again... Don't worry..." What the. Is she just said collections?

"Sigh Irish. I admit you more smarter than me in class, but... Your weird sis, super weird." She laughed so hard until she holding her stomach.

"I just be an extraordinary people sis... That's all." She waved her hand infront of Jade's face, I laughed when I looked at those two different actions.

Hmm? Something really changes now. I feel... More free than usual. Is it because... Aaa... They all stopped bothering me, all of them. But how? Is Tristan did this? Whatever it is...

I feel free now... My ears don't listen to any sarcasm, my eyes don't see any bothering actions and faces from them, and those three don't black mailed me anymore.

This is what they called quietness.

I feel free again... Finally.

Thanks god.

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