31. midsummers pt. 2

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~bellas pov~

"Rafe just take me home pleas-" I'm cut off by his lips on mine. I go to push him away but he's stronger than me. His hand on my back and now one of my wrists hold me tightly so I can't fight back with out making a scene.

I don't kiss back, I force my lips to stay shut to fight his attempts at slipping his tougne in my mouth. To anyone barley paying attention, it might look like a regular kiss.

When he finally stops kissing me, he keeps his hold on my wrist. "Rafe why are you doing this?" Things were going so well being friends.

"I talked to Barry. He doesn't think I should change myself for a girl chasing another guy" "you talked to barry?" "He hooked me up. Got me the good shit. I've Been wired all night" he smiles.

"Rafe take me home. Now" "no your staying till the parties over" suddenly I was panicking about what would happen after the party. Rafe wouldn't- would he?

"I'm going home" I tug at my wrist. "God forbid you ever do what I want to do" he only holds my wrist tighter. "Rafe your hurting me" I cringe.

"You know what? Just remember how this feels. Remember how scared you are right now the next time you want to try and go against me" he finally drops my wrist.

"Belive me. I will" I roll my eyes. I will never let him try to be my friend again. Without saying anymore I look around for the nearest exit, Tears already threatening to over spill.

I speed walk to the front door. Glancing back only to see if rafe was following. He wasn't.

It was a 15 minute walk home of i cut through back yards. Its was dark and it was cold in my satin dress. I only let myself cry when I'm around the block home.

I think about jj at home, waiting for me to come talk to him. How do I tell him rafe kissed me? How will he belive there's no feelings there after all the time we spent together. I've fucked myself over.

I start to pick up my speed, now a jog, just wanting this night to be over.  I might have been invisible in highschool. But being invisible beat what ever the fuck this was.

All I wanted to do was to dissappear again. Run away, like always. I'm sprinting, crying so hard even my hands infront of me are blurry.

My heels are sinking into the grass but I do not slow down. Some one yells behind me but I do not turn around. I pull my hair clip out, letting all of it down.

I feel something, probably my phone, slip from the pocket in tbe dress and thud to the floor. I do not care. Not in this moment. 

I should not be running this fast when I can't see two feet infront of me but I do not care.

All I care about is getting out of these heels, taking my make up off, and burning this fucking dress.

~narrators pov~

She hadent seen the pool infront her and she slipped. It felt as though the world went silent. She gasped for air only to get a mouth full of  water. 

She couldn't breath. 

Trying to swim,  she had no idea where the surface was.  She heard a splash not to far away. She was getting light headed. She tried opening her eyes but they burned if chlorine.

Her chest started to ache, begging for air. She starts swimming faster, hoping she was going in the right direction.

As hands wrap around her waist she gasps out of fear, inhaling another mouthful of water. It was too painful to keep fighting. She let her eyes close and roll back.


JJ had been on her tail, sprinting behind her as soon as he noticed she left the party. He had ditched his friends with out explanation, needing to know she's okay.

He watched her fall into the pool. stopping only to take his suit jacket off, he jumps in after her.

It's too late. She's unconscious by the time he gets her to the surface. He lifts her to the edge of the pool, crawling out after and kneeling by her side.

"Come on. come on" his voice is strained as he checks for a pulse. He doesn't find anything but he knows he's never been good at finding one anyways.

"Bella wake up" he taps her face, trying to shock her back awake. "Help!" He yelled twords the fancy house in the yard. All the lights where off. They were probably at the party.

"Shit" jj starts to panic. He runs to his jacket, pulling out his phone. With wet shaky hands he googles how to do mouth to mouth. 

He sets the phone on the wet concrete as the YouTube video plays and he starts to follow the directions.

He was crying now, he'd never forgive himself if she didn't survive. He begins mouth to mouth. When the first round doesn't work he crys harder.

"Please bella" he kisses her forehead before resting his against it. "Please. I haven't gotten to love you yet" his tears fell to her already wet face.

He tries again, angling her head up slightly, pinching her nose. This time she coughs water into his mouth. He doesn't care. He spits it out and sits her up, leaning her body against his.

He smooths her hair out of her face as she continues to cough. Releaved she's alive, jj rests his head on her shoulder, taking deep breaths of his own.

When the girl regains her breath she is quiet. "Talk to me" jj lifts his head to show he cares. She's not sure what to say, she's not even sure how she feels in this moment.

"Could we just go home first?" She sniffles. "Yeah, Of course" he nods, helping her stand. "Do you want me to call your brother for a ride?" Jj asks as he picks up his jacket.

"No, it's only a few minutes down the road" Bella insists.  They walk in silence together tword the house. Bella wears jjs jacket for warmth.

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