15. dads compass

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Things have been weird since a couple days ago. The Cameron's are put of town. I guess they know somekne getting married or something. I wasn't paying attention when he was explaining it. There supposed to be back sometime today.

Honestly it's been nice having the jous to myself. I didn't realize how up my ass rafes been until he wasn't. Hes texted me almost nonstop but otherwise it's been a peaceful time.

The energy bill was payed in time. John b hasn't spoken to me since. I finished my boat work for the day exploring parts of the house I havent seen yet, the main room being wards office.

Even after everything I can't help myself but look for clues about the gold. Ward had said he worked with my dad briefly. I haven't organized any of dad's stuff but maybe something here will track my memory.

The place is very well kept, not that I'm supprised. A half played game of chess sits on a coffee table. I start with his desk drawers.

Normal stationary is all I find until-

I go to pull out the bottom drawer but it stops half way. Almost as if it was being hit on something, but the drawer was empty. I kneel down and feel around.

Something feels taped to the underside of it. What ever it is keeps hitting the trim stopping the drawer. After getting it off I gasp, dropping the item. Dad's compass.

Due to the fall the back pops off. Inside, redfield is carved into the metal. And a little peice of paper. A code is scribbled on the paper.

Like an escape room.

I look everywhere, suddenly feeling a rush of adrenaline. Nothing this code could go to. I scan the bookshelves for a hidden room or something-nothing.

I stare at the painting of Denmark tanny alittle too long and get an idea. Yes! It opens to a safe. And the code works!

Lots of money, passports, papers and a journal. Passports look legal. Money looks real. I scan the papers and don't find anything interesting.

The journal is brown leather skinned. A bundle of wheat is stamped on the front with gold foil.

It's now when I hear a car pulling into the drive way. I pull put my phone quickly, recording as i flip through several pages. Hoping the videos clear enough to watch back later.

I rush to shut the safe and reset the code. As I hear the front door open and people talk down stairs. I quickly retape the compass back to the desk, double checking to make sure everything looks untouched before leaving the room.

"Hey!" I smile, jogging down the stairs. Rafe hugs me, kissing my neck. I've never stepped out of a hug faster, playing it off with a playful smack "I missed you" he smiles. "How was the wedding?" I ask. "Boring" Sarah sighs.

"It was good, thank you for watching the house hunny" rose smiled respectfully in my direction. "Of course" I smile.

Rafe takes my hand and leads me upstairs. Maybe I've been to lenient with him or maybe I've given him the wrong impression but I don't know when this turned into something more than friends.

When we get to his room he locks his door. "Whats up?" I ask confused. He pulls out a little baggy with white powder. "You ever done snow?" He smiles.

"What- no, rafe" "it's been a long time since I got high but my cousin was able to hook me up. Wanna try with me?" He looks so hopeful.

"Rafe, I cant" I shake my head. "Come on beautiful, it'll be fun" he holds my waist. "I'm not going to do coke with you. Are you okay? Should i get your dad-" I'm cut off by rafes hand on my throat. He's not applying enough pressure to choke me but enough that shocked me quiet.

"My dad doesn't need to know" "okay- okay I'm sorry" I gently move his hand and he lets me. "I didn't mean to scare you. I just- my dad- you know him. He doesn't get it" he shakes his head. I mumble some quiet agreement.

"So you wanna try?" Immediately hes back to being calm. "do I have a choice?" I ask, still alittle shocked. "Of course you have a choice. I'd never make you do something you don't want to" he tucks a peice of hair behind my ear and kisses my forehead.

"I don't want to" say quietly. "That's okay, I'll ask my friends" he smiles sympathetically. Like he's still sorry. "Rafe I'm worried about you" "I'm okay, I used to do it all the time" he shrugs like it's no big deal.

I ask if he wants to go on the boat and his face lights up. "Perfect. I'll call my friends, we can make it a party" "oh, I-" "your so smart" he kisses my forehead and leaves the room.

I look around in disbelief of what just happened. I don't want any part in it. But I guess I'd rather have someone sober driving the boat.

I groan and make my way to my room. I've been around drunk people, and people high on pot but never coke heads. This night could so south so fast.

The sun is setting and we're in the middle of the lake. I'm sitting on the captain deck watching them below. Rafe, two guys and three girls sit in a circle around a table.

The take turns sniffing and then cheering each other on. I watch in both disgust and worry as they wait for it to kick in. My phone vibrates a million times, drawing my attention away from the group.

New text from jj: you need to get out of that house
Jj is typing....

New text from John b: get your ass home
Jb: I know we're fighting but you can't be in the house any longer
Jb: its ward
Jb: he killed dad
Jb is typing....

I stare at my phone with nothing in my head. I can't text back, I can't move. There's no way that could be.... the compass.

Dad's compass

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