23. Mr. Cameron

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I wake up with a raging head ache and a heavy feeling in my chest. The house is quiet as I make my way to the kitchen. To my supprise jj stands at the stove making himself eggs. John bs passed out on the couch.

"Good morning" I give him a half smile. "Its afternoon" he responds in a stale tone. Maybe after getting with some one else he realized he was bored of waiting for me.

"Did you have fun?" I ask, grabbing a mug and filling it with coffee from the pot. "Yeah" "that's great" I smile a real smile while I take a sip. "You didn't stop by" he doesn't look at me when he says it.

I debate telling him otherwise but feard my jealousy was uncalled for. I didn't want him thinking I was clingy or possessive, especially if we wernt together. "Yeah sorry, dinner went late and I had a head ache. Rafe took me right home" I lie.

"I kept watching for you but after 10 I assumed you wernt coming" he still hasn't looked at me. I try to remember what time i stopped yesterday, we left the bar around 10ish.

"Sorry" I say quickly wanting the conversation to be over. Suddenly I was feeling stupid. Rafe was right, boys don't think very deep. And jjs a teen age boy, he probably talks to girls all the time. He was probably waiting to make sure I wasn't coming to make sure he wouldn't feel guilty about kissing other girls.

I excuse myself silently after hurting my own feelings more.

I spend the rest of the day trying to keep myself busy. Jj and John b leave soon after he wakes up.

"I mean I can't be mad at him right? We were never together" I complain to rafe as we stand in his driveway. "Not really, but it is an ass move on his part" he shakes his head as he scrubs his bike with a soapy rag.

"I just feel dumb for caring so much about it" I sigh. "How do you think I feel when you tell me your in love with jj?" Rafe says this with his eyes locked on his bike, almost like he's afraid to see my reaction.

"I am not inlove with jj" I was suddenly feeling guilty. Did I have romantic feelings for rafe? No but I didn't want him to feel as shitty as I do. "Only a matter of time,  right?" He clears his throat.

"Well not if he's got a girlfriend" I shake my head. Not matter how much I like jj I won't play apart of hurting another girl. "You could make him jealous" "I'm not ready to consider your date, I haven't fully forgiven you yet" I read his mind.

Rafe drops the rag into the soapy water bucket and grabs the hose. "What happened there?" A giant burn mark on his arm catches my attention. Be was wearing long sleeves yesterday so I didn't see it.

"Oh,  nothing. Topper and I were fucking around by the bonfire and I tripped." He shrugs me off.  Bullshit.  It's not the kind of burn that looks like an accident. "It looks pretty serious, did you get it checked out?" I step closer, wanting a better look.

"I'm fine" suddenly he was closed off.  Not wanting him mad at me too I drop it. "Bella" a deeper voice comes from behind me.  "Mr. Cameron" I smile. My heart beat seems to remember s stealing from his office.

"Has rafe talked to you about midsommers yet?" He looks at rafe instead of me.  "No sir, he hasn't" I shake my head.  "Well were hosting this year" "that's great!" I force a smile.

"It's important to rose and I that rafe has a date" oh. "It's not that big of a deal" rafe fights him on it. "I told him to ask you" ward smiles. "I might be busy i-" "I'm sure your delinquent brother will be fine alone for a night"

"I- sure. Yeah" I give in, knowing ward won't. Ward thanks me and dismisses himself shortly after.

"I'm sorry. You don't have to come" rafe apologizes. "Honestly it'll probably be good for me to get out of the house" it's the truth. "Perfect" he smiled. "Just cause I'm your date doesn't mean it's a date" I narrow my eyes at him but I'm smiling.

"I know" "I don't have anything nearly as fancy enough" I just realized. "I'll take you shopping" "I could never ask you to do that" "I'm offering, and I still owe you for everything" "buying me a dress doesn't mean I'll forgive you for everything" "i know" he nods.

"Are you hanging around all day?" Rafe asks. "I have some errands to run I just really needed to vent so thank you" "anytime" He give me a pained smile like my venting was annoying.

"I'll see you later" "yeah, drive safe" he turns back to his bike.  "Get that burn checked out" I call over my shoulder as I walk back to my car. 

John bs van pulls up to the curb. Sarah hops out of the back giving me a quick glimpse of jj. I wave, he pretends not to see me.

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