2. errands

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The goal was to be up early, to have a head start on today. I slowly come to with a killer head ache. Ah yes, the joys of crying all night. It was noon.

I take some ibuprofen before getting up to use the bathroom. I knock on John bs room, asking If there awake. "Were running errands today boys" "we?" John bs face appears in the door way.

"Yes we. I'm not doing all of this by myself and I'm gonna need some strong boys to help carry bags in" "were going shopping" jj smiles from behind him.

"We don't have any money" johnb sighs lile that was obvious. "I have money. Get dressed" "it can't be nearly enough" "are you gonna sit here and argue with me or are you going to get dressed so I can turn the water back on and feed you guys?" I snap.

"Im getting dressed now" jj makes himself look busy. "Whatever, give us 10" John B closes the door in my face.

I dig through my suit case for something cozy yet comfortable before throwing my check book into my purse and leaving. They boys fight over who's sitting in the front so I make them both sit in the back.

First stop, paying the utilities. Cost me about 1,500 after paying all the back pay but we were officially caught up on all utilities, and set for the next 3 months.

"Are you like rich now or?" Jj asks he buckles in the front seat. "I have a well paying job as well as my fiance so I'd say I'm comfortable" jj and I talk while John b pouts in the back. "John b I said you can have the front after walmart" I shake my head.

Ah yes, Walmart. Every pouges promise land. We take two carts cause I'm sure I'm going to need them. The next hour and a half is filled with me bossing the boys around: telling them what to grab, where to go.

We're just about done when jj says he needs to pee. John b agrees and they both make way towrds the bathroom leaving me in the cleaning isle with two carts.

"I didn't know you were back in town" a familiar voice snaps me from the bleach section. Rafe Cameron. "Oh hey" I pretend to be friendly. Rafe and I have only ever had three interactions before.

1. Freshman year he told me he'd fuck me if I wasn't a pouge.

2. Sophomore year he came over to my house drunk out of his mind, confessed his love for me and we lost our virginities to each other.

3. The following week at school when I tried to talk to him he told his friends I was trying to sleep with him and they all made fun of me. He said nothing and ignored me for the rest of highschool

"How are you?" He parks his cart next to mine. "Fine, you?" "Peachy. What brings you back?" He smiles like my answer was supposed to he something like- "you miss me?" He laughs

"My dad." I say flatly. "Right. Anyway how have you been?" "Busy. I work alot" "right right. Seeing anyone?" "Engaged actually" "damn okay" "how about you?" I ask, for some reason continuing the conversation.

"Busy of course, my dad's always got be doing something. And no, I'm single" he looks around awkwardly. His dad. I forgot. My dad mention something about ward in those texts. I should- "feeding a community?" Rafe smiles at my two carts.

"No, im putting the house back together. Its a disaster" I cringe. "That's what happens when you leave pouges to there own devices, they break shit" "have a good day rafe" I roll my eyes and go back to the bleach shelf.

"Im sorry, it just came out. I'm trying to be a nicer person." "You. A nicer person?" I side eye him. "Yes. I've had a change of heart" "who died?" "I- no one. Being mean has done nothing but get me in trouble so I'm Changing it up" "okay" I say, not fully believing

"Anyway the reason I came over here was to apologize for-" his voice tailed off as the two boys walked back into the isle. "Hey buddy" jj gives him a snarky smile.

"Maybe we'll talk some other time" I shake my head. "Can I get your number or?-" "Facebook her or something were busy" John B takes one of the carts and starts to Walk.

"It was good seeing you, but yeah just DM me from like anywhere, ill respond" I flash an awkward smile before finally grabing a bottle of bleach.

When we get home I make john b clean his room and  jj clean the bathroom while I tackle the kitchen.

We blast music we can all jam along too. Eventually pope, Kiara and Sarah show up and I put them all to work cleaning the yard.  I didn't know Sarah hung out with them until I had about a 5 minute talk with John b where he told me to "shove it"

When john bs done with his room I make him start laundry and do the living room. When jj is done I have him help outside. "There. I'm done. Can me and my friends go have fun now?" John be complains. I glance over the poorly cleaned living room but let it slide, we got alot done.

I finished up while they were gone before making myself a snack and admiring our work.

Now time to get to the tough part. My room. I don't know if it want to cherish every moment or through everything away.

I resort the the latter. I basically scrape my whole dresser top into the trash. I keep only things I can use/wear. I also keep the bottle of smirnoff but I tuck it into my closet. I'm not sure why but it makes me feel good to keep it.

All Of You// JJ MaybankOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz