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~One week later~

I'm still staying with the Cameron's. Ward is paying me to take care of there boat, very well I might add.

They've welcomed me with open arms, even Sarah. She apologized for John b's behavior, I reassured her I wasn't mad at her but I also wasn't in the position to forgive him yet.

Rafe and I have gotten pretty close. He talks to me while I clean the boat and even helps sometimes. He takes me out on the water almost every night and we watch the sunset.

Though we've talked for hours and I know every detail about his life, that's about it. He loves to talk about himself. I'm not sure if we've even discussed anything past my favorite things.

I guess I don't really mind, it saves me from talking about the bad stuff. The stuff that's been consuming me. I haven't talked to John b since I left. Jj checks up on me but we don't talk much.

I went back to the house once when no one was home. I packed my suitcase with more clothes, makeup, and hygiene things. I left a note saying where I was and that I don't know when I'd get back. I signed it with I love you and left the other half of the energy bill.

That was my olive branch. Balls in his court now.

The sun at full peak. Rafe and I took the boat out. I'm tanning on the deck as rafe makes us sandwiches. "Youd make a good house wife" I smile, lifting my head to watch him walk over with a tray.

"I try" he smiles. He sets the tray down in-between us. I sit up and pick up the cup of lemonade. "You even got me a straw" I smile. "Bambo. Save the planet" he rolled his eyes but he was smiling.

"You know this last week has actually been the most fun I've had since I've been in town" I smile. "I told you I'd make it up to you" "thank you" I let out a small laugh and dig into my sandwich.

"Do you ever still think about it?" He takes a bite. "About what? That we had sex or how I felt afterwards?" I cringe. "Both I guess" rafe shrugged.

"Sometimes" I take another bite. "To which one?" Rafe furrowed his brows but was smiling. "Both" I shrug and sip my lemonade. "Do you?" I ask, looking him in the eyes.

"Sometimes" he nods. We hold eye contact for alittle longer. "How are you doing? With the whole cade, johnb stuff?" He asks lightly.

"Im okay" i nod. "Not thinking or talking about it helps"i take another bite."sorry" rafe sips his lemonade. "You're okay,  thank you for caring enough to ask" I flash him a small smile.

It's quiet for a moment as we hold each other's stares.  He brings his hand up and wipes my bottom lip.  He puts his thumb in his mouth. "Did you just eat the mayo from my lip?" I cringe  but I'm smiling.

"It was supposed to me romantic, sexy" rafe gets flustered  "oh it was real sexy" I laugh, poking fun at him. "This was stupid" he's smiling but definitely embarrassed.

"Let's go for a swim" I try to lighten his mood. I stand, skipping to the edge of the boat.  Rafe quickly follows suit, removing his shirt on the way.

I pretend to almost fall. As rafe catches me I can't help but laugh and pull him into the water with me. As we resurface he spashes me.

A small boat passes in the distance. It's too far away to see who's on it, I find my self wondering if it's John b. My mind wanders to jj. I should text him later.

Being with jj feels so wrong. Sure, were only a year and a half apart but he's my little brothers best friend. John b would never forgive me. Also were such diffrent people, I've worked my ass off for the past two years people something I can be proud of. Jj can barely graduate without becoming truent and is only sober half the time.

I don't know if we'd ever work, Even in a perfect world. And yet I still find myself wanting to be around him all the time.

I'm snapped back to reality when rafe splashes me. "You okay?" He smiles. "Yeah, I'm good" I laugh, and splash him back.

Its quiet for a moment. My mind floods with thoughts of rafe. The effort he's putting in for me and how I keep so much space between us. Would I regret not exploring things with him?

"Do you ever wonder what would have happened we had dated or something back in highschool?" I kick my feet to stay afloat. "I used to. Especially the first year after we had hooked up. Now I mostly think of how to get you to date me now" he smiles.

"Rafe I've been single for a week" I roll my eyes. "If we're being honest, I never saw you as taken except when Cade was in town" he shrugs. I laugh but I'm alittle off put by it.

We climb back onto the boat to dry off before heading in. We pull up to the doc and rafe shuts it off while I clean everything up.

As I stand on the deck waiting for rafe to come down so we can walk up together I spot a familiar face in the back yard. What are the boys doing here? They're talking to Sarah.

I get on the dock, not really caring about rafe anymore. Are they here to talk to me? Or is jj just here cause John b wanted to see Sarah?  I go to walk past the group but John b calls for me.

"Hello boys" rafe plasters a smile on. "I'll be inside. Come find me when your done" rafe winks at me before taking my face in his hands and kissing me.

Everyone falls silent. What just happened?

All Of You// JJ MaybankHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin