003|Stiles Stilinski x Derek Hale|

Start from the beginning

The kid who spoke smiles wider and moves to the side, letting him take a seat.

"I'm Isaac," The kid introduces as Derek sits down. "That's Scott, and that's Liam, Kira, Boyd, and Allison," He points to each respective person, and they all either smile or wave at him.

"Uh, Derek," He stiffly smiles at him, not used to people being nice to him so easily.

"So, new kid, how are you liking Beacon Hills so far?" Scott asks with an eager smile.

Derek finds himself scoffing. "Besides all the staring, it's kinda decent,"

"You'll get used to the staring, every new kid is stared at on their first day," Liam speaks up.

Just then, the cafeteria filled with sudden whispers. Confused, Derek looks away from the others and looks towards where everyone is looking. His eyes widen when he sees five people walk in, a guy in the middle as he basically leads two girls and two other guys.

Everything seemed to slow down as Derek just stared, entranced by the guy in the middle. His posture was straight as he held his head hide, a black tight shirt on as he wore blue skinny jeans, showing off his curves.

"Those are the plastics," Isaac whispers when he notices Derek's staring.

"Plastics?" Derek looks at him with furrowed brows, watching the group sit at a table as they get into light conversation.

"We call them the Plastics because they're shiny, fake, and hard," Scott speaks up. "The tan boy is Danny Mahealani, he's the smartest kid in all of Beacon Hills," He adds.

"He's in my history class, and he got an A plus, something you rarely get with Mr. Harris," Isaac explains. "The blonde guy is Jackson Whittemore, he's the captain of the lacrosse team and the richest kid in school, he and Danny are also dating,"

Liam leans over the table to join in. "The blonde girl is Erica Reyes, she solves her problems with her fist,"

"The redhead is Lydia Martin, she's the queen bee, every girl wants to be her and every guy wants to be with her, but there are rumors of her being lesbian, her head is so big because she knows everything about everyone" Scott continues.

"And the brunette, the one who looks too good to be real is Stiles Stilinski," Isaac starts, looking at the table. "Take everything we said about the others and put it on him, he's the leader of the plastics, what he says, goes. Stiles tends to be blunt and cruel to everyone, Erica is like his guard dog and Lydia and Jackson are his best friends. If it wasn't for Stiles, Jackson would've never been captain of the lacrosse team, they're often glued to the hip, well whenever Jackson and Danny aren't sucking each other's faces off," He grimaces as he watches the two kiss.

"The point is, that Stiles isn't to be messed with, his father owns the sheriff's department in this town and whatever he asks for, he gets. Just like Lydia, every guy wants to be him and every girl wants to be with him, some say that he's bi, but he has only ever been with girls," Scott finishes explaining.

Derek kept on staring, but then Stiles looked in his direction.

"Shit, Stiles is looking," Scott winces, turning his head to look away like all the others.

Except for Derek, he for some reason kept eye contact with Stiles. Green eyes stared at whiskey ones for a few seconds, before Stiles raised a brow and licked his lips, breaking eye contact when Lydia taps his thigh to draw his attention.

Derek let out a breath that he didn't know he was holding, and his hand came up and rested against his chest. He felt like his heart was going to break through his chest, the intensity in Stiles' eyes was too overwhelming.

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