Chapter Twenty-Five

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I've been sleeping a thousand years, it seems
Got to open my eyes to everything
- Evanescence

~ Aurora ~

My eyes shot open, and I looked around. A woman in front of me, smiled softly at me. She backed away, taking the small pack of smelling salt away from my nose.

"Hello Aurora. I'm Lyric." She spoke softly, and I nodded my head. She grabbed me a bottle of water and opened it before holding it to my lips. I drank half of it, breathing slow, making sure to not hurt myself.

"Where am I?" I said, moving my body a little at a time to make sure I could feel everything.

"Your at a safe house. A Spanish mafia safe house." I raised my eyebrow at her words, grabbing the sides of the hospital bed. I tried to pull myself up, but she helped me.

"Thank you." I said, leaning against the back of it as she adjusted the bed to my liking.

"Of course, Miss Aurora. I'm going to get Alexander now, will you be okay?" She asked, and I nodded. She walked out of the room, before I was stuck there in silence. I licked my lips, looking around at the room. The walls were a shade of blue, and the windows weren't covered. I looked out of them, seeing New York City beneath me. I let out a sigh, grateful to be in the city still. The door opened and three men walked in. I looked at them, blankly, giving them no sort of emotions. I needed to know what they wanted, and I needed to know if I would need to escape.

"Alexander isn't here right now, therefore you will be meeting his right hand men." Lyric say down on the bed, looking at me with a motherly smile.

"I'm Dominic, but everyone calls me Dom." He held his hand out to me, and I slowly took it. He smiled, and I stayed on edge. He had dimples and looked like a funny guy.

"I'm Yusuf." The next male shook my hand, a small smile on his face as he looked at me. The smile quickly went away and became serious.

"And I'm Abel." The final guy shook my hand and I shook it back. They all looked at me, and I couldn't read the expression on their faces.

"Midas sent us to look for you. He was also looking for you, but we are more skilled in that aspect." Dom said, smiling at me as he sat on my bed after Lyric got up to check my vitals.

"Midas? Where is he?" I asked, sitting up straighter and looking around the giant room, trying to find him.

"Don't worry, honey, we've got in contact with him. He's on the way." I let out a deep breath and looked at the men. I let my guard down, slightly, closing my eyes before I felt a hand place on top of mine.

"If you need anything, we are here for you. We know how brutal Kelly can be." Dom chuckled at his own words.

"You have no idea." I said, smiling softly.

"If you ever need anything, we are one call away. Just bully Midas for his phone and look up our names." Dom said, and I could tell that he was the jokester of the group.

"You look so familiar." I hear Yusuf say, and I looked at him with confusion before tilting my head to the side.

"She does." Abel mumbled, and I looked back at Dom.

"I have no idea what those two idiots are talking about, so let's ignore them! Actually, go get us food for her! Poor girl must be starving." Before anyone could move a muscle, the door swung open.

I felt the tears prick my eyes, for real this time when I laid my eyes on Midas. His hair was curly, but messy. He had on a tank top and grey sweatpants. He looked like he just woke up. I let my eyes trail down his features. His face looked tougher, colder, and he had a little scruff on his face. I wanted to run my hand down it. He looks like he hasn't shaved since I left.

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