Chapter Eighteen

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I never meant to start a war, I just wanted you to let me in
- Miley Cyrus

~ Aurora  ~

I licked my lips, trying to moisturize them the best I possibly could. My breathing was rigid, and I was beyond dizzy. The chains around my wrist were pulled so tight I could barely feel my hands, if I lost too much circulation it could be bad. The blood dripped from my face, and I didn't even want to know how I looked right now. My clothes were ripped and blooded, my eyelids kept drooping but I forced them open.

The only thing keeping me going was hearing from my brothers and Midas yesterday. Listening to my brothers speak, and hearing the worry in Midas's voice. I never realized how much I actually felt with him until I was pulled away from it. I thought most of the emotions were forced beside the sexual tension, but I found myself stuck in this basement actually missing Midas Rosso.

"Aurora?" I heard, picking my head up a little. Matt stood there, a nervous look on his face as he placed the phone between my ear and shoulder before I tilted my head.

"Five minutes. I'm gonna go grab some water after. You look terrible." He said, standing up and going back out to guard the door.

"Hello?" I croaked, my voice was hoarse from yelling and lack of water. I heard the breathing on the other line and I felt myself cough. My whole body shook and I spit somewhere in the corner.

"Aurora, baby, what's wrong?" I heard Midas's comforting voice ask. He was panicking, I could tell it in his voice. He was worried about me and it made me feel good about myself. He hated me at first, or maybe he just hated the thought of me lying to him. I never intended to hurt him.

"It hurts." I said, laying my legs out straight as the coldness sent shivers down my spine.

"I know, I know. Deep breaths." He said, and I tried, but my lungs felt like I wasn't getting enough air. I wheezed before coughing once more.

"This is all my fault." I heard him mumble, and I felt my stomach tighten.

"I-" I cut myself off, closing my eyes.

"I miss you." I said, letting my thoughts win and slip from my tongue. I heard his breath hitch and I felt my whole body freeze as I waited for him to say something.

"I miss you too. I'm gonna get you out of there, I promise. I fucking promise you." His voice cracked and I almost smiled at how much emotion I could hear from him.

"I'm sorry I lied to you." I apologized again, hearing him chuckle.

"Did you just chuckle?" I said, and I could feel the smile form on my face.

"Stop apologizing to me. You can apologize when you explain everything as soon as I get you back. ¿Entiendes?" I smiled, listening to the words coming from his mouth.

(Do you understand?)

"Who's been teaching you spanish?" I chuckled, feeling my stomach feel as though it was set on fire.

"D'Angelo. He won't leave me alone." He muttered before a smile took over my face.

"Midas?" I called out, hearing him hum.

"If something happens to me, promise me you'll look out for them. They are the only family I have. Please take care of them." I said, feeling my eyes become heavier.

"No. Because nothing is going to happen to you." He gritted and I felt my world spin.

"Promise me." I demanded, and the silence took over the phone.

"I fucking promise. I fucking promise im going to get you out of there." I could hear the anger in his voice and I felt my eyes burn.

"I'm so tired." I said, yawning and hearing everything stop on his line.

"Aurora." He said, and I felt my body stiffen at the way he used it with me. I hummed, feeling my head become heavy.

"What hurts?" He demanded, and I tried to open my eyes.

"My ribs- it feels like I can't breathe. There's blood all over me, I look like Bloody Mary for fuck sakes." I said, trying to crack a joke and lighten the situation.

"Cazzo! Where is Matt?" He asked quickly, and I felt my head lean against the wall. The phone slipped down and hit the floor with a small thud. The door opened, and my eyes closed. I was way too tired to keep them open. I heard footsteps rush towards me.

"Aurora?!" I heard Matt yell, as the hands wrapped around my body.

"Help! We need help!" I heard him yell, and I could feel my body feel like it's floating.

"Aurora, everything is going to be okay." I could feel something wrap around my leg, and my arms drop down to my sides for the first time in days. I tried to open my eyes, but it felt like they were glued shut.

"Midas- I have to go-" Matt was arguing over the phone.

"I said I have to fucking go!" Matt yelled as more footsteps ran into the room. The voices turned into a muffled mess which turned into me hearing nothing. I was at peace, and for some reason I felt the strongest I've been in weeks.

My mind pulled to my brothers, and if they would be okay if I was gone. Even though they were all older, those boys had to learn everything. Our mother didn't teach the boys how to be gentlemen, or how to cook, clean, fashion sense, different shampoos. I taught the boys everything that my mother should have.

My body burned, and I felt like I was on fire as I imagined Midas's hands resting on my thighs where he loved to place them. I could hear his voice telling me to just breathe, and that everything would be okay. I could feel the magnetic pull that I had to him, and I was tired of denying that anything was there. I don't care if he doesn't feel it, I know I do. I felt it when his eyes were on me, his hands were on me, or his body was on me.

He consumed me, every inch of me in the time I knew him. I felt like he saw me in my darkest times and still thought I was the most beautiful thing this planet had to offer. Would he be fine without me? I'm sure he would if this feeling was one sided. What if it wasn't one sided?

Matteo and Leo became people that I could look up to. They became friends to me, they looked out for me and I was beyond grateful for everything they did for me. They both would have a special place in my heart from street racing with Leo to always talking to Matteo, and helping him learn Spanish more.

I would never be able to have a girl best friend like I hoped for Josie to become. She was funny, kind, and beyond caring about me. When I gave myself up for her, I knew what I was doing. I knew the risks, and I knew everything that could happen to me but I couldn't let myself live knowing that I could change that. I guess I finally found my fatal flaw after all.

Love is a weakness, and without a weakness no one can defeat you.

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