Chapter Twenty

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I wanna love you
But something's pulling me away from you
- Lady Gaga

~ Aurora ~

My body was in pain. I felt like I was being torn apart limb by limb. I opened my eyes for the first time in I don't even know how long, and I looked around at the white room. I didn't want to move too much in case there was any way I could escape or if I would have to fight back. The beeping of the machines took up the noise in the small room. I felt my stomach rise and fall quickly, the light was shining brightly down at my face.

"Miss Aurora? I'm Nora, How are you feeling?" I felt a needle press onto my arm before I looked down at the weird substance.

"Like shit, what do you think?" I said sharply, looking at her expressions as they dropped from her face.

"Where am I?" I grumbled, trying to look out of the window but she closed the curtains quickly. I went to move my arm and my body was strapped down. I pulled at the restraints, and I felt my whole body for the first time in weeks.

"A safe house, ma'am." I closed my eyes, feeling my body become stronger. I felt like whatever she drugged me with was some superhuman powers.

"What did you stab me with? I may be stupid, but I'm not that stupid." I said, trying to sit up but my body was forced down.

"Steroids and a little bit of fentanyl to make you calm." She said, opening the door and coming into contact with a tall man.

"Aurora." Blake's voice called out, and I hated it. I gritted my teeth before he sat down on the chair next to me. I kept my mouth shut and he let out a sigh, taking my hands out of the restraints. I looked up at him, confusion written all over my face.

"Why are you helping me?" I said, as he helped me sit up.

"You're going to be my wife." He said, like it was the best reason in the world.

"You have two broken ribs, and your lung was close to being punctured. You have a sprained ankle, it's not that bad though. You have seven stitches on your bullet graze on your leg, your body is bruised, and you're dehydrated." I clenched my jaw as I looked at him. The feeling of those men punching me, taking their turns trying to break me to get me to follow their every command. It wasn't going to happen. I'm stronger than that. I wasn't going to give in.

"Kelly is coming to get you. You're going shopping." He said, and took out his wallet. He handed me a red card and I stared at it, taking it in my hands. I looked at him, I knew what he was capable of, but maybe it was time to put on the scared girl act again. No I can't, he's already seen me threaten to kill someone. But I could and just play it off as a front.

"Why am I going shopping?" I raised my eyebrow before the nurse came in and placed clothes on the bed.

"We're going to the mafia ball, A." He said, and the door opened in walking Kelly.

"Change and get your ass out here." She spit, before grabbing Blake and dragging him out of the room. I knew Blake had a nice guy act on, I could see it within his eyes. People's body language gave away so much, and that was Blake's fatal flaw. He couldn't control the way his body acted.

When the door closed I stood up from the bed quickly. I got dressed as fast as I could, ripping the needles from my arms and taking the monitors off. Pain soared through my body but I just pushed it away. I opened the curtain to the window, trying to lift it, but it was locked. I brought my hand back, punching it. It didn't budge, causing me to hiss in pain.

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