Chapter Eight

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I take my whiskey neat
- Hozier

~ Aurora ~

The music was loud, but it didn't bother me. I've done things like this many times before. This time i just had to look like that i had no idea what the fuck i was actually doing. I sat on a bar stool, and waved the bartender over.

"What can I do for you?" He asked, spinning a glass around in his hand.

"Whiskey, neat." I asked, and he looked at me with his mouth agape before nodding quickly. I could hear a chuckle from Matteo in my ears. The glass was sitting in front of me and the man looked at me before raising his eyebrow at me. I took a sip, feeling the familiar burn down my throat. My body got warm, and a smile spread onto my face.

"He's walking in." Leo said, and I looked around the club. I stood up from where I was sitting, and threw the rest of the liquor back before placing the cup down on the bar.

"Jess, what are you doing?" Leo asked, and I could almost feel his nerves.

"I have to get his attention somehow, no?" I spoke quietly, placing my bag on the bar. It had nothing in it anyways. I could always buy Josie a new one when this was all over. Whistles and cheers erupted around me as I felt hands go around my waist as I made my way to the dance floor. I swayed my hips with the music, feeling my body come alive for the first time in a week or two. I haven't felt this free in a while. I felt like nothing could go wrong, but I also knew better than that.

I threw my head back onto the shoulder of the guy who was wrapped up behind me. His hands traveled down my body as we moved to the rhythm of the song that blasted through the speakers. I felt new hands wrap around me. Colder ones. I cringed. I knew who it was just by the smell of his cologne. Or should I say Axe body spray. His chin rested on my shoulder, and I felt my body shutter. I flipped my hair to the side, and felt his body freeze when he noticed the ear piece.

Take the bait.

"Why don't we take this to a private room, Doll." He said, spinning me around so I could face him. I watched as his face dropped when he recognized me. I smiled softly.

"Lead the way." I spoke low, running my hands down his chest as he stared at me. He grabbed onto my arm tightly, and started walking into the opposite direction of the private rooms.

"I lost sight." I heard Leo say, and I smirked.

"We can't find the cams." Matteo said, and I brought my hand to my ear, flicking the switch to the side of it.

"Max, Darling. I would say it's great to see you again, but it's not." I spoke harshly, pushing him up against the wall and wrapping my hand around his neck.

"Get the fucking cameras up!" I heard Midas bark an order out to Matteo and I felt my heart race.

"My brothers?" I tilted my head to the side, letting my nails dig into his neck.

"They are a-alive." He choked out, and I felt the relief fill my body.

"She's after you, not them." He said before I dropped him to the ground.

"Where are they." I demanded, sticking my heel up to his dick.

"The secret warehouse- where they kept you!"

"Cams are loading up. It might take a few seconds." I heard Matteo ramble out quickly. I flicked the earpiece back on, making it just look like I was in a dead zone. Max looked at me with a questioning look. He stood up and pushed me against the wall.

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