Chapter Fourteen

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I rob and I kill to keep him with me I'll do anything for that boy
- Shakira & Rihanna

~ Midas ~

I woke up, Jess was tangled in my arms, her body pressed against mine. Her head was dug into my chest as she breathed softly. I trailed my hand down her back, and up to her arm where she had a snake tattoo wrapped around her shoulder. I trailed it, and looked at the immense amount of detail on all of her tattoos. Her scars littered her body, and I felt my stomach turn.

Behind her left ear was a heart tattoo, on her collar bone was a club, there was a spade between her boobs, and there was a diamond on her wrist. I had no clue what any of it meant, but I loved it. I loved each and every tattoo that was on this girl's body. My eyes focused on the A where her heart would be. Right next to the A was a G.


I narrowed my gaze, questionably. I didn't understand the meaning behind it. Any of it. She stirred as my hands traced the cursive letters. Her hand went to my hair, running her fingers through before stopping and leaving them tangled in my hair.

"Stop." She mumbled, and I felt my body tense as I looked down at her. Her eyebrows pulled together, and her mouth was slightly agape.

"Jess?" I mumbled, staring at her closed eyes.

"Don't hurt him." She whispered, her eyes tightening more shut. I kept my gaze on her and stayed quiet.

"Stop touching me." She whimpered, and I retracted my hands from her body.

"Help me-" She shot up from the bed. I stared at her as she sat next to me, catching her breath. She ran her fingers through her hair and I watched as the goosebumps appeared on her naked skin. She took a few breaths before laying back down. Her eyes trailed over to mine and I felt my heart stop. I had never known that Heterochromia was a thing, but now it never leaves my mind. I did hours worth of research, trying to figure out what it was, if it was a bad thing, and if it hurts her.

"What was that?" I asked her, raising my eyebrow as she adjusted her body, throwing her leg over both of mine.

"A nightmare." She answered short, and I could see the millions of thoughts that swarmed around behind her eyes.

"What about?" I asked and she shook her head.

"I don't wanna talk about it." Her body tensed as I moved her leg before standing up. I grabbed my boxers, putting them on. Don't wanna talk about it, my ass. I gritted my teeth as I walked towards the closet, putting on black slacks and a black button up. I put my watch and my bracelet back onto my wrists before putting on my socks and slipping on my shoes. I sprayed my cologne on me before walking out of the closet and seeing her gone.

I walked out of the room, and headed down in the elevator. The elevator stopped and I walked out. The voices stopped as I entered the dining room where everyone was sitting and eating. They stared at me as I walked by, and I looked at Leo with a confused expression. I sat down in my chair and Leo cleared his throat.

"Capo, you- have a hickey on your neck." Leo bit back a smile as I sat up straight. I looked around the room as my eyes widened when I made eye contact with everyone. The doors swung open and Jess walked through with an angry look on her face. I rolled my eyes, pushing the thoughts of last night out of my head as I ate. She sat down next to me, keeping her eyes to herself and I wondered why. She was a talker, she loved to talk, and part of me hated it.

"Hey Jess." Matteo said, sitting down next to her and starting to eat himself.

"Hey Matteo." She said, no smile on her face, and I clenched my jaw. One question was all it took for her to pretend I didn't exist.

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