Calm Before the Storm

Start from the beginning

Marshal Palmers returned the salute and greeted Marshal Frank. After exchanging pleasantries, both men took their seats to begin their discussion.

Marshal Frank spoke first. "Marshal Palmers, I assume you already know why I have arrived, correct?"

Marshal Palmers simply nodded in acknowledgment, prompting Marshal Frank to continue.

"The current operation outlined by both the Esliledeo and Charterian Parliaments for its expansion has put me in a rather difficult situation."

With a serious tone, he continued, "Marshal Palmers, I seek an agreement. What I truly need are more experienced regiments. Border guards and voluntary rifles simply would not suffice."

"After all, we are headed to a place never before explored by any Erdian," Marshal Frank concluded, gulping down a glass of water after his statement.

Marshal Palmers examined the displayed documents before posing a further inquiry. "Before we continue, may I ask whether the equipment sent had been to your standards?"

Marshal Frank nodded in affirmation.

Continuing, he asked, "Marshal Frank, is it correct to assume that you want regiments with more experience?"

Marshal Frank replied affirmatively.

Continuing, Marshal Palmers said, "I could provide that, but of course, there would be a price."

Marshal Frank simply nodded in response.

Marshal Palmers outlined his terms. "Marshal Frank, I won't lie to you; I'm interested in those demi-humans, the kind that could sniff out and cooperate with us."

He proceeded with his demands, stating, "Along with the discovery of any new herbs and minerals, I'm willing to hand over the 1st Charter Royal Guards Third Company in exchange."

Marshal Frank inquired, "Why not send the entire regiment or more men?"

Marshal Palmers explained that sending the entire regiment would be too obvious.

However, he expressed willingness to expand their deal to include the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Companies of the Chartian Guard Regiment, and that was the extent of his offer.

With the agreement settled, Marshal Frank bid farewell, shaking hands with Marshal Palmers before departing from his office.

Hurrying through the corridors, Marshal Frank swiftly made his way to the Muclure 15 where his new driver, Jovan Page, awaited.

As the Muclure 15 prepared to depart, it was soon joined by other armored vehicles, forming a convoy headed for the Yeirfa Cinyan Territory.

-Yeirfa Cinyan Occupied territory-

Major Manroe observed the Border Guards Companies as they conducted their daily drills, noticing the disparity among them.

It had been at least eight days since he had arrived at Camp Yeirfa.

His arrival after recovery hadn't been an easy one, particularly since he only had ten men from his own companies.

However, he couldn't dwell on it and was forced to move on.

With the reorganization efforts, a new task force was formed to venture into the special region.

With the gate secured by the main army, much work was left to be done.

The Voluntary Rifle Regiments sorely lacked experience, and there weren't even enough Border Guard Companies to fill the gap.

Manroe surveyed the landscape, away from the machine guns and cannons pointed toward the gate.

Gate: Operation AlastairWhere stories live. Discover now