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Hey, Beautiful People!

I'm back with another chapter.

Enjoy it, but don't forget to vote and comment!!!!

Rishabh's Pov

When I stepped out of the plane at London Airport, I was already in my usual arrogant mindset. My driver was waiting for me, and I didn't bother to greet him as I got into the car. I sat in the backseat, scrolling through my emails on my phone, while my driver drove me to the hotel.

Once I reached the hotel, I quickly checked in and went to my room to freshen up. After freshening up, I made my way to my London branch. As soon as I entered, my assistant informed me about a serious issue. Apparently, someone from my office was leaking confidential information to a rival company. This could potentially cost us a major deal that I had been working on for months.

I was seething with anger. I didn't care about the deal itself, but the fact that someone in my own team was being disloyal towards me and betraying my trust was something I couldn't tolerate. I immediately called for a meeting with my trusted team and instructed them to investigate the matter.

I made it clear that I wanted to find the culprit and make sure that he/she never got a job in this industry again. I was determined to make their lives a living hell.

In the meantime, I had already prepared another proposal for the deal. I knew I had to act fast before the rival company got their hands on our confidential information. So I decided to attend the meeting personally.

As I walked into the boardroom, I could feel the tension in the air. The representatives from the rival company were smirking, thinking that they had the upper hand. But little did they know that I always had a backup plan.

I presented my proposal confidently, not giving any indication of the turmoil that was going on within my own company. And to my satisfaction, we sealed the deal. I could see the disappointment on the faces of the rival company's representatives as they left the room.

But my victory was short-lived, as I still had to find the culprit within my own team. My team had already started their investigation, and it didn't take long for them to find out who the traitor was.

After the office hour, I went back to the hotel and decided to call my grandmother. Talking to her always calms me down. As I was talking to her, I could hear the voice of Aradhana, in the background. Her voice was like music to my ears, and it made me feel good. It felt like I was missing her voice.

I quickly cut the call and went to sleep after having dinner. I had a lot on my mind, and I needed to rest. But deep down, I knew that I would not rest until I found the person who betrayed me. And when I do, I will show them the true meaning of hell.

Aradhana's Pov

As we reached home, I could see the worry etched on my mother's face. I took a deep breath and tried to put on a brave front. 'Mumma, everything will be just fine. Dr. Rishi has assured us that the surgery will be successful and you will be back to your normal self in no time,' I said, trying to sound confident.

Mumma looked at me with a hint of doubt in her eyes. She knew me too well to believe my words. But she didn't say anything; she just nodded her head in agreement. I could sense her eyes saying something different, but I didn't probe any further. I didn't want to add to her worries.

'I have arranged a maid and a caretaker for you, Mumma. I don't want to listen to any lectures from you about managing things on your own. I am doing this for my own satisfaction, so there is no discussion on this matter,' I said firmly.

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