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Hey, Beautiful People!

I'm back with another chapter.

Enjoy it, but don't forget to vote and comment!!!!

Aradhana's Pov

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. It was an early morning call from Dr. Rishi, my mother's doctor. I picked up the phone, and my heart started to race. Was there something wrong with my mother? Did she have a medical emergency? I answered the call.

'Good morning, Aradhana,' Rishi's voice greeted me.

'Good morning, Rishi. Is everything okay? It's quite early for you to call,' I asked, slightly worried.

'I'm sorry to disturb you, but I need to talk to you urgently. Can you meet me at 11 o'clock at the café near your place?' He said, his voice sounding serious.

I was taken aback by his request. 'Sure, but why? Is everything alright?' I asked, concerned.

'I'll explain everything when we meet. I'm sending you the address. Please come fast; I don't have much time to talk on the phone,' he replied, hanging up before I could ask any further questions.

I quickly got up from my bed and went to the bathroom to freshen up. As I took a shower, my mind was racing with all sorts of thoughts about why Rishi wanted to meet me urgently. After getting dressed in a pink and white printed suit, I went to the dining area to have breakfast with Granny.

 After getting dressed in a pink and white printed suit, I went to the dining area to have breakfast with Granny

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(Aradhana's Outfit)

'Good morning, Granny. I'm going out for a while. I'll be back soon,' I said, giving her a kiss on her wrinkled cheek.

'Take care, dear. Don't forget to eat your breakfast,' she replied, smiling at me.

I reached the cafe and saw Rishi sitting at a table, waiting for me. I went over and sat down across from him. He smiled warmly and ordered a cappuccino for himself and a chocolate milkshake for me.

'So, why did you call me here so urgently?' I asked, eager to know the reason behind our meeting.

'I'm going to Mumbai for four days for a medical conference, and I won't be able to attend Aunty's checkup. So, I've arranged for another doctor to see her. I've already prescribed the medicine, but in case of any emergency, you can contact Dr. Priya. I'll send you her number,' he said, handing me a piece of paper with the doctor's contact details.

I was touched by his thoughtfulness, and I thanked him for his help.

'Aradhana, I consider you my sister. So please, don't thank me. We are family now,' he said with a warm smile.

Revenge or Love (ON HOLD)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora