Chapter 38: 3 Performances

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3rd POV unless I say so

Class 1-A was dead. They'd been practising every spare moment of their lives and needed a break. The festival was only three days away, yet some of them didn't think they'd survive the night. Well, that's what happens when you overwork yourselves. As usual, Miyo was the only one who still had energy. She had put her body through incredibly rough training since she was eight. A song and dance? Piece of cake. She got a pretty easy job, she just needed needed to make shikigami and get Uraraka to make them float. She was glad she got something that didn't need too much energy, she'd need a lot of it for the ****** ********. 

So far, she'd heard that class 1-B was doing a play, General Studies was putting on a haunted house, the support course was doing a robot show, a bunch of classes picked food related things and the school set up a beauty pageant and obstacle course like every year. There were a couple other things, but Miyo couldn't remember all of them. The festival was gonna be packed with events. The one she had to go to after their skit was this close to overlapping with it. Hopefully she'd make it in time.

Eri was also coming to the festival. Her quirk was looking like it was less likely to run rampant again, so she was able to come with Mirio and Aizawa. She came and got to look around the school with Miyo, Midoriya and Mirio (the three 'mi's) and to get used to being around people since throwing a child who has had little human interaction their entire life into a big festival was probably a bad idea. They ran into some of Mirio's classmates during the tour and one of them asked if she was the reason he was taking a break from school. Miyo almost chuckled but it got cleared up in the end. The class then saw her and were absolutely entrapped in her cuteness. She likely had them wrapped around her adorable little finger.

Time skip because I can and you can't stop me

The night before the festival, they were still rehearsing. A few things had shifted around, like Midoriya and Aoyama being part of the dance team in the first half and part of the effects team in the second. They were going through all of their supplies, checking them off on a list.

Miyo: That rope looks quite frayed, are you going to use that?

Midoriya: Hmm. Now that you mention it, it's not in the best condition.

Aoyama: It is proof of our friendship!

Midoriya: Uh, okay. I'll go buy a new one tomorrow morning, there are a few things a need to get anyway.

Miyo: The performance starts at ten. Will any shops be open early enough for you to make it back in time?

Midoriya: Yeah, there's a convenience store that's not too far from here and opens at eight. I'll be fine.

Miyo: All right. You should probably wake up early then.

Midoriya: Will do. Night!

Miyo: Good night.

With that, heir interaction ended and they went to bed. Miyo decided to skip her patrol and went to bed at a more normal time.

Another time skip, I'm not sure how to transition this into morning so...

The next morning, everyone was wearing their performance outfits. The band got to wear orange shirts with the UA logo on them that Yaoyorozu made, the effects team wore their hero costumes and the dance team wore yellow suits or dresses.


(We don't like Mineta here. Or just in general)

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