Chapter 26: Ultimate Moves

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3rd POV unless I say so

The next morning, it felt a bit odd to Miyo to see her classmates at the dorm. She was starting to get used to it just being her, but it wouldn't take long to adjust. She had a quick shower and got changed into her uniform with the shirt and pants before heading downstairs to get breakfast. It was nice to be able to eat other than at school. She made herself some peanut butter toast and ate quickly before going to class. She was a little early, but she didn't mind. Iida was there way before anyone else, as usual, and Yaoyorozu arrived soon after Miyo. The rest of their classmates took another fifteen minutes before getting to the classroom. Aizawa showed up five minutes later, announcing they were going to have their provisional licence exam soon. Once they had their provisional licences, they could legally be considered heroes and use their quirks outside of school. They still needed to have a pro hero nearby, but it was just a little bit more freedom.

They were told to get changed into their hero costumes and find Aizawa. He took them to gym gamma to train and work on ultimate moves, which he said were necessary for their provisional licence exam. Cementoss was already waiting at the gym, creating thick, concrete pillars of various heights as they walked through the massive doors. Ectoplasm was also there, making clones of himself. One for each student, that way they could train individually. They had two weeks to either create ultimate moves or improve on existing ones they had come up with before or accidentally discovered. Miyo was mainly working on similar things to camp, her new move, Domain Expansion: Chimera Shadow Garden, and subjugating Mandoka. She was told she had to do these in a seperate room that was an offshoot of the gym so she didn't accidentally kill someone. It was a shame she didn't get to see everyone else's moves, especially Katsuki's, but at least she has some surprises for them too.

Aizawa followed her into the room to make sure she wasn't being reckless or overworking herself, something she did often. It didn't help that she wasn't able to access her already subjugated shikigami during the ritual, and while she could bring another person in with her it made the meaning null and void. Even if they won, she didn't get the shikigami. She started to try to subjugate Mandoka and after a few rounds and an almost fractured ankle, she moved on to Domain Expansion. She was getting closer with each try, and after a few days, she came this close to beating the deer. She would've won, if it weren't for All Might coming in to check on her and startling her. She had to cut the ritual short since she was about to die and suppressed the urge to glare at the former no. 1 hero. He had retired after his fight with All For One, but he didn't stop teaching at UA.

All Might: Sorry, did I interrupt you?

Miyo: Yeah, but it's fine. No one's hurt, thankfully.

She came off a little more bitter than she wanted, making the skinny blonde wince ever so slightly. She wanted to retry and continue what she was doing before, but she found it hard to concentrate and needed a break anyway. She sat down on a bench and took a big drink from her water bottle and wiped her face with a clean towel. Subjugating a new shikigami was hard on her body and she soon started to notice little aches in some of her joints,but she wanted to continue anyway. She'd had worse than small aches. It was clear that All Might wasn't leaving anytime soon, so she just tried to ignore him and made the sign for Mandoka, shouting out the name as she did. She didn't know why, but if she didn't say the name her shikigami wouldn't summon. A large deer appeared in front of her and Aizawa pulled All Might closer to him so that he wouldn't intervene and get killed. Miyo fought with the massive deer for fifteen minutes before it collapsed into a black puddle of shadow and disappeared. She fell backwards and gave a small cheer, Aizawa smiling at her. She won. All Might was a bit confused but he was happy with her growth. He quickly left to go check up on other students and she took the opportunity to have another small break and work on her Domain Expansion.

She made the hand sign, letting her shadow disperse and cover the entire floor. Aizawa used his capture weapon to get up onto the rafters and threw things at her before jumping down onto the black liquid-like surface. It took him a little bit of practice to get used to standing on it since if you weren't concentrating, you sunk into her shadow and got attacked by shikigami. You still got attacked above ground, but it was easier to evade. That would change once Miyo completed her domain and the sure-hit-effect kicked in. She didn't know why it did this, but one time when she had come close to completing it, none of her attacks missed when they were made by shikigami. They fought for a little bit until Miyo won, as usual. She still needed to complete her domain but she needed a concrete image in her head, something she didn't have since she had never met anyone with a quirk even remotely similar to hers.

By the end of the fortnight, the entire class was relieved to have the weekend off before the provisional licence exam. They had to train on Saturday and Sunday last week, the fact that they didn't have any classes just gave them more physical work. Mina suggested going to the beach or something, but everyone except Miyo was too drained to do anything. Miyo still had regular patrols after everyone fell asleep, with or without Aizawa. They really only went on patrol together on weekends or slow days, but it didn't take long for Miyo to find out how to evade the school's security system and patrol by herself. She was a lot more cautious with letting people know that Nightshade was out and about when she was alone. Well, when she was a hero she could patrol whenever she had free time.


Hello, sorry if this chapter is a bit late but I was having some difficulty writing it. I wasn't really in a writing mood and didn't want to give you something when I knew I was going to regret it later. Don't be surprised if I suddenly go months without giving you a new chapter or even a warning beforehand. With that being said, see you next chapter!

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